Is it possible to survive on Social Security these days? How about more than just survive? Can you live graciously?
In her new book, Gracious Living on Social Security, Valerie Kent brings you through her retirement years, starting from when she married her second husband, Rick, who is several years her junior.
As the prologue mentions, Kent didn't believe she lived graciously until a friend pointed out that even though they were on a limited, fixed income, Val and Rick still traveled and entertained often, living a life equal to those friends who were much better off. And so, Gracious Living on Social Security was born.
Within this slim book, the reader will learn how Valerie and Rick managed an affordable wedding, decided where to live, pulled their house together and how they juggle finances. Other topics include health, keeping the car on the road, being well dressed for the dollar, and how to travel well and inexpensively.
While I know this book is geared toward people in their golden years, I found much of this advice could apply to other age groups as well.
The illustrations provided by Jeff Nitzberg add the pefect light touch to this engaging story of how to live graciously on Social Security.
Gracious Living on Social Security by Valerie Kent is certainly a book that contains a great deal of advice all retirees could put to excellent use. It is also a wonderful story of how two older people who had been friends for a long time, got married and now live a happy and fulfilling life.
Title: Gracious Living on Social Security
Author: Valerie Kent
Publisher: Tree Farm Books
ISBN: 978-0-615-21156-5
SRP: $15.00 (U.S.)

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Contest runs from today until on July 10, 2009 to July 24, 2009 . The winner will be announced at this blog on July 27, 2009.
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Goodness knows, there ought to be a lot of people who want to know how to live well on that fixed-income check that arrives every month.
I'm going to be needing this in a few more years - count me in : D
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