Looking for a guide to help you along your spiritual journey? Need a gentle way to reflect upon your relationship with God and with others? Are you searching for insight into how you can become a true disciple of Jesus?
Then pick up a copy of Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World by Kathi Macias.
Combining powerful stories with Scriptures and discussion questions, Macias provides readers with a tender and encouraging call to true discipleship, and therefore, a more meaningful and loving relationship with God and their neighbors.
Indepth insights into such Biblical parables as "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", and "The Sower" bring readers closer to the Word of God than ever before; making each story relatable to readers no matter where they are along their spiritual paths. Reminding us that the Church is Christ's Bride and of the commitments believers have in their union with Jesus, Macias leaves readers eager and encouraged to take up their crosses and follow Him.
Beyond Me is a book like none I've ever read. The power of its words caused deep reflection, so that I could not just rush through it and toss it onto my pile of "books I've read". Reading Beyond Me is a personal and emotional experience; a gentle call to review what is in your heart and to see if you not only accept Christ as your savior, but are willing to put aside your wants and desires to obey His commandments and follow Him.
Anyone who reads Beyond Me and answers its call will be changed forever!
Title: Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World
Author: Kathi Macias
Publisher: New Hope Publishers
ISBN: 978-1-59669-220-6
U.S. Price: $12.99
This book is definitely a must-read! Kathi offers guidance and encouragement for the new Christian as well as those further along in their faith walks. Well worth your time!
It looks like this book would provide good material for some devotion times. I'll have to look for it.
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