How many times has your New Year's resolution included maintaining a healthier lifestyle? I put that in every year and a month shy of 40 I'm still a junk food junkie.
When I heard about Sandy Powers's new book Organic for Health my interest was more than piqued. I've tried growing my own vegetables--which is time consuming--and I've also bought organic vegetables from the grocery store. I figured organic foods are better for me, but I didn't really know why it is so important to choose organic foods over non-organic ones.
I asked Sandy to give us three advantages of eating organic foods. Here's what she had to say:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has mandated that no organic food can contain added hormones, antibiotics, synthetic pesticides, irradiated components, genetically modified organisms, or reprocessed sewage. No such mandate exists for conventionally grown food, which is most of the food sold in grocery stores.
1. Hormones and antibiotics: Dairy farmers inject hormones into cows to increase production of milk. This increase milk production requires frequent milking which, in turn, causes udder irritation and infections. Antibiotics are given to combat the infections. Unfortunately, the infections don't always clear up so the government permits a certain amount of pus to remain in conventional milk. Residue hormones in our food are believed to be one of the causes of early puberty in girls, a decrease of semen in boys, and a link to breast cancer. Residue antibiotics in our food are beginning to cause our immunity to the antibiotics that fight disease. Organic milk has no added hormones or antibiotics.
2. Pesticides: Most of our food crops today are grown by large agricultural businesses that employ the practices of intensive farming to increase yields. The overuse of pesticides to achieve these yields have resulted in pesticide-resistant insects. More pesticides are needed to combat the insects that threaten the crops. This results in our fruits and vegetables absorbing harmful amounts of toxic pesticides that are linked to Parkinson’s disease, brain cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and leukemia. Organic fruits and vegetables cannot be grown with these toxic synthetic pesticides.
3. Additives: Many additives, such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings and colorings, MSG, hydrogenated fat, and phosphoric acid, are prohibited in the production of organic food. Studies are confirming that the use of these additives in conventionally produced foods can worsen hyperactivity and illnesses, like asthma, in children.
After reading this, I wondered if I would ever be able to eat non-organic foods again.
More about the Book:
Organic for Health will convince you to avoid conventionally grown foods laden with the biggest offenders, and more importantly, to fill your body with the clean, potent vitamins and minerals in organic foods that truly honor your health.
"Sandy Powers has created the type of book that will change lives. She approaches the subject matter from a basic, introductory standpoint. This allows any reader to ease into the idea of major dietary changes, progressing at a comfortable pace. If there was any doubt the US government allows profit to prevail over general well-being, Organic for Health will eliminate that doubt."
--Front Street Reviews
"Genetically-altered additives, pesticides, antibiotics, and reprocessed sewage - and that's just breakfast! "Organic for Health" will convince even the most indifferent eater that organic foods are the way to optimal wellbeing."
About Sandy Powers:
A breast cancer survivor who battled liver disease, Sandy Powers turned to organic foods to heal her liver and fight cancer recurrence. She and her husband live in Englewood, Florida, where they enjoy chasing after their grandsons.
You can visit her website at www.organicforhealthsite.com
ORGANIC FOR HEALTH VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on July 7, 2008 and continue all month long. You can visit Sandy's tour stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in July!
As a special promotion for all our authors on tour, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author with a recent release or a $25 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. One lucky winner per author will be announced on this blog on July 31!
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Stopping by to thank you for hosting my tour. Just wanted you to know that there are some conventionally grown foods that don't absorb harmful amounts of toxins: the cabbage family--cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.--onions,bananas, sweet peas, sweet corn, tomatoes. Become a strategic shopper.
By the way, I have a new book trailer out on my website, Yahoo, AOL, and YouTube.
Thanks, again!
Sandy Powers
Thanks for sharing that information Sandy. I don't know if you'll be poking around to answer questions, but I have one for you.
Organic products cost more than non-organic. Is there anything consumers can do to help drive down prices?
Good question, Cheryl. Yes. Every consumer should become a strategic shopper. Buy store brand organics. Stock up during sales. Buy the large bottle of organic apple juice instead of juice boxes. It's cheaper and healthier since apples are the number 2 most contaminated fruit. Peaches are number 1. Shop your local farm markets. Local farmers use less toxins. Just make sure it's local produce, within 100 miles. I've seen farm markets with produce from Mexico. Ugh! I have an article I should post sometime on strategic shopping.
I'm thinking grow your own. I remember back in my Mother Earth days, I grew my own organic vegetables. A little bit more work picking off bugs, but it was really nice knowing nothing had even a smidgen of pesticide on it. I miss my gardens...living in a condo leaves you nothing but patio gardening but believe me, it can be done there, too.
That sounds like a neat article Sandy. Don't you have a blog? Would you mind posting the URL here?
Buggies, yuck! That and time keep me from starting my garden again.
My one experience with organic cauliflower that I bought at the grocery store was not a good one. My MIL bought one and when she dumped it in the water tons of little bugs came out. That kept me away from organic stuff for a long time. But I've been buying organic carrots for a while without incident, and now that Sandy has let me know which of my favorite vegetables don't absorb harmful amounts of toxins, I feel much better shopping for them.
Yes, I will polish off Strategic Shopping and post the latest URL. I'll also post the URL for my experiences with organic growing. On my website I have some info on square foot gardening. My lanai is filled with such and container plantings of tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, yellow peppers, and potatoes.
Two of my articles that you might be interested in are "Strategic Shopping for Health" and "The Fractured Egg," both on www.americanchronicle.com
When on the site, click on "Features," to the left, then "latest articles."
Good Health,
Sandy Powers
Thanks Sandy. I'll have to go take a look.
I am happy to announce that "Organic for Health" is the winner in the Health Category of the National 2008 Beach Book Festival.
Sandy Powers
October 20, 2008
"Organic for Health" is a Finalist in the Health: General category of the National Best Books 2008 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News.
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