When we last left this journey, I had partaken in my first Muse Online Writers Conference and secured a position as a regular contributor for Writer2Writer.
Writer2Writer, an online magazine for professionals and freelancers who want to generate income from their writing, now comes out twice a month; but back then it was a monthly issue. Cheryl Wright is the editor of this magazine. She was also a presenter at the first Muse conference. That's how she heard about me.
Participants of the Muse Online Writers Conference belong to a Yahoo Group, which allows the members to support each other. One discussion that came up at the Group was if writing for free was a good way to get clips. I responded by sharing how I had been writing time management and organization articles geared toward writers for Destiny3Fiction, a free online magazine. I felt the exposure was good, and I had only committed to six free articles, so it wasn't like I was going to work for free forever.
Cheryl Wright seized that opportunity to contact me about the articles for use at Writer2Writer. Destiny3Fiction has just stopped being produced, so there were no rights issues. Most importantly, this would mean--for the first time--I would get paid to write. Very exciting!
We swapped a few emails, she liked the writing samples I sent her, and we agreed I would write a column every other month. My first column appeared in December 2006. I still contribute to this great online magazine. If you're interested in learning how to generate income from your writing, it would be a good place to check out.
I also mentioned in my last installment that I participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the first time in 2006. That will be the topic of my next story.
Read Part 4 here!
You know in all the years I have known you and Cheryl, I never knew Writer2Writer paid. At least I don't think I did. I'm loving this series...keep it coming!
Interesting. I haven't been reading your journal but plan to go back and start from the beginning. I love hearing how authors became published. Each story is different, yet the same in some ways.
Hey Cheryl,
That's awesome. I love seeing how all the pieces of your career started and fit together. Nice!!
I'm enjoying reading about your journey to publication. I've also attended the Muse Online Writer's Conference and did Nano.
2007 was my first year to attend the Muse, and 2008 for Nano. I loved the Muse Conference.
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