Monday, January 20, 2025

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Jan 20

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.    

Welcome back to Monday! It is a snowy one around here. Finally took all the lights off the outside of the house so they didn't get stuck on there for the winter. All the inside decorations are still up, though. Been busy working, and this time of year my hands bother me because of the cold. 

Hope you all had a nice week. Mine was filled with work, meetings, a bit of reading, and fresh nails. I love them, but I'm thinking it might be time to take a break. Have any of you removed nails after having them on a while? Figure they will be as weak as a reed. 

Here are some photos from this week:

Pretty in pink 

Made stuffed peppers last Monday

Spoke at a RAPV event on Thursday

The minute I get out of bed, Theo takes over

In my reading and blogging world., I reviewed this devotional. You can read it here

I also reviewed this audiobook collection. You can read the review here if you missed it. 

Posted my review of the first of Marilyn's memoirs on Friday. Click here to read it. 

On Saturday, I reviewed this one from NetGalley. You can read the review here

I've been reading this one. 

I also started these two. 

These are next.

Upcoming events:
  • Review of Ghosting Academy by LS Delorme - Feb 3 (Review)

The latest at the Christmas Year Round blog:

Reminder that I also have a blog dedicated to Laura Ingalls Wilder, her books, and the shows based upon them. You can find Laura's Little Houses here. I am looking for input on which Little House on the Prairie character I should profile next. Would love to hear the thoughts of any fans that read this blog. 

That's it for me. Hoping today is a slower day than the most recent Mondays have been. Enjoy your day!


shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Sorry, nails are not my thing but I know you can get nail strengthener stuff that helps after you’ve had falsies removed which you might like to try

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Shelleyrae. I have some strengthener that I am using on the underside of my nails right now. We will see how it goes.

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

Your stuffed peppers look so yummy! I've never had fake nails, but I've been tempted to get them. I'm scared I'll accidentally destroy them immediately. That's why I've never gotten them.

Kathy Martin said...

I'm glad you got your outside lights off before it snowed. Your stuffed peppers look good. Your books sound good too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Aj. I destroy mine all the time. Most people can go 3 - 4 weeks. I am lucky if I go 2 without breaking a corner. This time, we rounded them. That seems to work better. Having to maintain them is one reason I want them off.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Kathy. I wish I was half as motivated to take down the decorations as I am to put them up.

Yvonne said...

The stuffed peppers look delicious. Enjoy your books. I hope you have a great week!