Monday, October 14, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Oct 14

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.    

Welcome back to Monday! How's the weather were you are? It's definitely changed to fall temperatures around here. Good thing, because the Lil' Princess came home for fall break this past week, and the fall colors are amazing. She misses the leaves changing when she is in North Carolina. 

Here are a few photos from the last week's adventures.

The Lil' Princess after her white coat ceremony

The Lil' Princess and two of her roommates

Arriving home

Travis approves of the new sink

Having a rare day off, I caught up on reviews. You can read my thoughts on these two here.

My review of this one should appear here tomorrow.

This is another great book by Sheila Roberts. My review will appear on Wednesday. 

My review of this fabulous book by Jill Kemerer will appear here on Thursday. 

I need to finish this one before NetGalley archives it. Like what I have read so far. 

This one is for a November review. 

There are so many books I want to read through the end of the year, but I need to focus on two editing projects and plotting my next novel. I promised myself I would as I wait to hear back from the agent I submitted Home for the Heart to last month. Here are a few possibilities. 

I also grabbed this novel this week. Marilyn says it was supposed to be a Deputy Tempe Crabtree novel, but it didn't quite work with the series, so she changed the characters and tweaked the setting to create a stand alone book.

Upcoming events:
  • The Merry Matchmaker by Sheila Roberts - October 16 (Review)
  • A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker - November 20 (Review)

I am looking to review Christmas picture books, chapter books, and clean romance novellas this year. You can check out what other products I'm looking for here.

You can read the latest Christmas news at the Christmas Year Round blog. Lots of fun Christmas news. Early Christmas shoppers and decorators, Operation Christmas Child kickoff, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever movie is coming in November. You can read the latest news here.

That's it from me today. I hope to visit your blogs early. I'm typing this on Sunday in the hopes I can turn in earlier than usual. See you around the blogosphere! 


Jody @ Jody's Bookish Haven said...

Nice book hauls. I look forward to your review of Shelia's book. Happy reading 😊

Kathy Martin said...

Sounds like a great week. I'm impressed with the number of reviews you wrote. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks. Sheila's books are such a good read. Appreciate the visit.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

It was, Kathy. Was feeling rather behind in my reviews lately. Thanks for visiting.

Kathryn T said...

Lovely to have your daughter back for a break and for Autumn changes showing up. And nice to have a day off no doubt!

Yvonne said...

Lovely pics. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews. Hope you have a great week!

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Yes, it was, Kathryn. Loved the day off too! Thanks for stopping by today.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks for visiting, Yvonne. Hope you have a wonderful week.