Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.  

Welcome back to Tuesday! It's been a bit since I participated in this meme. Glad to be back this week. 

Today, we are talking about favorite authors who we would love a new book from. No matter the reason, they haven't published a new book in a while... or at least not books we are looking for. This week's meme celebrates these talented authors and lets them know we haven't forgotten them.

Hazel Statham was a Regency romance author whose work some compared to that of Georgette Heyer. I met her when I worked in online book promotion, and she and I became friends. I had the pleasure of reading all but one of her books. Sadly, Hazel passed away in 2015. How lovely it would be if she could share more stories with the world. 

In the early days of my writing career, before social media became the behemoth that it is, I belonged to this little writers forum of friends. Speck, Sassy, Madhatter, Snow, Elf, Gwanny, and I shared our stories, gave feedback, and offered support to each other. There were many others along the way. Some are still writing. Others are no longer with us. 

I only knew Rhett DeVane as Madhatter on our forum, until I learned about her series of stories set in Chattahoochee, Florida. I fell in love with her characters and began reading. She has published seven books in this series and other books as well, but nothing new since 2017. Would love a new book of hers to read.

The Case of the Bouncing Grandma by Alice K. Arenz is a Christian cozy mystery novel. First published by Sheaf House Publishers, the author has recently recorded audio books of this and the second book in her Bouncing Grandma series. I simply wish there were more Bouncing Grandma stories because I loved the first one.

When Charlotte Hubbard sent me her latest book, she mentioned this would be the last. I wish her well in her retirement, and I will miss reading her books. 

My dear friend, Marilyn Meredith, a/k/a F. M. Meredith, ended her Tempe Crabtree and Rocky Bluff series. I will miss these characters, and wish someone would write new stories for them one day. Luckily, Marilyn's memoir is in my TBR pile. 

For a while, it seemed like every time I turned around, Michaela MacColl had a new book release. Her latest book came out in 2021. Readers are overdue for a new one. 

Tristi Pinkston and I met during those years I worked in online book promotion. I loved the first book in her Secret Sisters series, which included four others that I haven't read yet. Most recently, she has been writing resource books for authors. I hope she returns to her mystery books one day. 

Stacy Gooch Anderson is the author of one of my all-time favorite Christmas reads. The Santa Letters is a heartwarming novel that I treasure. She also wrote another book, which I read. Nothing new, however, since 2009. I miss her writing. 

As Little House on the Prairie cast members entered the world of publishing, Melissa Francis wrote two books: her memoir, Diary of a Stage Mother's Daughter, and this biography. Though I still need to read her memoir, I feel like someone with such an interesting career has more to say in the years that have passed since this book came out. 

Vannetta Chapman remains a prolific author in the world of Amish fiction. I've enjoyed several of her books. The Amish Bishop Mysteries series is one of her shorter series and one that I loved. I wish the series continued beyond three books. 

Have you read any of these books? Who would you like to hear from again in the world of publishing?


Lydia said...

It’s nice when author can announce their retirements in advance and wrap everything up ahead of time.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

I agree, Lydia. The series ended in a great place. Sure wish we would have more of these characters, though. Thanks for visiting today.

Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies said...

I'm not familiar with these, but I do hope at least some of your wishes come true!

Emily said...

A lovely looking list.

Have a great week!

Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It's hard when an author passes away or an author retires, I think.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Lisa. I hope yours do, too!

Thanks, Emily. Hope you had a wonderful week.

So true, Deb. It leaves you wanting more of your favorites.

Thanks for visiting last week, everyone!