After accepting a
guest post from T.V. LoCicero last week, the author asked if I would be interested in reading the first chapter of the first book in his urban crime fiction trilogy.
BLURB: Detroit Nielson king Frank DeFauw hunts down the story of a judge who may be corrupt--and is one of his best friends. Booze, drugs, womanizing and a passion for the news are all part of what makes this brilliant, erratic TV anchor a major player in this deeply troubled city. Finally, Frank decides if digging out the truth about his pal the judge is worth risking his own career, family and life.
COVER: Great. Ties into the genre, the title, and the events. Love the fonts.
FIRST CHAPTER: It's prom night in Detroit for Jeff and Jill. Their night of fun is soon interrupted by an explosion.
Frank DeFauw arrives at the Black Night Inn. He spies town gossip Wilbur Barnes and defense attorney Sam Dworkin tighter than thieves at the bar and the men exchange words.
KEEP READING: If I'm 100% honest, this isn't a book I would typically read. Urban settings don't do much for me. But I have to admit I'm intrigued. The author actually sent me the first three chapters because they are short. We have the explosion happening in chapter one, get a glimpse of Frank in chapter two, and then the conflict with the men in the bar in chapter three. Nicely spread out, not too much at one time so that you feel you can't keep your head on straight.
The talk between the men is rough, guy talk. Not unexpected for this genre or the setting. LoCicero does a good job of giving you some details about Frank, but not a lot. He doesn't dump a bunch of backstory on you. He quickly gets into the action and pretty much stays there.
I'm interested enough to want to read a few more chapters to see how Frank will be connected with Jeff and Jill and what these two men have to do with what is going on.
File Size: 364 KB
Print Length: 224 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0615811779
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: TLC Media (May 7, 2013)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
I received the first three chapters of the book from the author. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.
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