The Power of the Holy Ghost by Shay Bills, Author of Is Your Ghost Holy? (Giveaway)
Today's guest blogger is Shay Bills, speaker, entrepreneur and author of Is Your Ghost Holy?: Eight Principles for Evaluating Your Walk in the Spirit. We reviewed this title here, and asked Shay to come discuss the power of the Holy Ghost with us. This is one of the eight principles she discusses in her book. Stick with us to the very end and enter to win a free copy of Shay's book!
ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD is how I begin chapter eight in my book, Is Your Ghost Holy?, because it is true and so profound that it still has people puzzled in the 21st Century. Saints of God do not have a hard time with the reality that in the beginning was God and God created all things including man and woman. But it is the undeniable power, the unquestionable ability and the unexplainable manifestation of His power that can not be expressed in words.
The Holy Ghost is absolutely necessary for saints of God to walk in the FULLNESS of Christ. There is no anointing without the Holy Ghost, there is no life without the Holy Ghost and there is no power as Paul describes in Phil. 3:10-11 when he says we will be made like Him in His resurrection power. Christians today have tried to take glory for who God is and what God does. Remember Christ made Himself no reputation, which ignited more power surrounding His being mere mortal man in the eyes of onlookers. But that same Jesus, coequal with the Father and the Holy Ghost, had all power. This being the same Jesus, when He ascended promised the Comforter would come, now resides in the inner man of Christians today and has ALL power. The Church, God’s church, has yet to see the manifestation of the power of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost is not in eloquence, delivery or knowledge. The power of the Holy Ghost is in the brokenness of humans so that all you see and hear is Jesus. Through brokenness the field is leveled and God’s people are on one accord and He can have His perfect work in our life, our ministry, our church, our family and this world. We live as if what happened on the Day of Pentecost ended in the book of Acts, not so. That same power is available and the Holy Ghost fire is still consuming souls today because somewhere people are tarrying, somewhere people are seeking Him and somewhere people are praying THY KINGDOM COME!
Shay Bills apppears to be a writer of clear thought and concise statement. I think a book written by her would be a joy to read! I will be encouragting the visitors to my blogsite 'Out of the Shadow' at to look for a copy!
I am a follower and I would love to read this giveaway.
cenya2 at hotmail dot cm
I would love to win this inspirational book!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
This is a great book. Good luck to those who enter.
Shay Bills apppears to be a writer of clear thought and concise statement. I think a book written by her would be a joy to read! I will be encouragting the visitors to my blogsite 'Out of the Shadow' at to look for a copy!
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