Are you interested in knowing more about your ability to heal yourself? Then you might enjoy reading through
Genie in your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by Dawson Church.
Using hundreds of studies to support his work, in addition to several real-life examples, Church explains your body's ability to control the expression of DNA strands. Faith, emotions, intentions, and beliefs are all part of this emerging field of science that indicates we have more control over our body than we might realize.
It is this book's claim that, " taking control of our consciousness and using it to influence our genetic expression, we can sometimes bypass years of therapy, as well as harmful drugs and invasive surgeries, to, in effect, do continuous genetic engineering on our own bodies. This can produce both immediate relief from long-standing anxieties and neuroses, as well as "miraculous" healing of persistent physical conditions, especially autoimmune diseases."
My initial interest in this book came about while I was in the middle of genetic testing. Having a mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 45 and who died two years later, here I was crossing my fingers and saying prayers that I did not have an altered gene that would put me at a much higher risk for getting breast and/or ovarian cancer. I have to admit, however, that I approached the book with a healthy dose of skepticism too. It sounded very New Age to me.
After spending many hours reading
The Genie in Your Genes, I'm convinced that this is an area of science that needs additional exploration. The overwhelming evidence not only validates what the author states, but his in-depth look into topics such as: how your body reads your mind, beliefs and biochemistry, types of genes, electrical medicine and the use of energy medicine in hospitals leaves the reader unable to deny how important Epigenetic Medicine could be to our overall health.
What I was very impressed by was the discussion on the importance of faith and prayer, and the abilities of healers, something not always discussed in relation to science. There is also the citing of real-life examples where medical miracles have been performed without surgery or medicine of any kind. Having prayed for a young woman who was miraculously healed of a cancer that nearly killed he twice, and whose doctors had given up all hope on, I'm a true believer in this power.
The one challenge I experienced while reading
The Genie in Your Genes is that there are so many studies cited and so much information provided, that not only can it read like a textbook in sections, it can become overwhelming. The first two chapters flowed smoothly along, but after that there is a wealth of medical information that draws the author away from a more conversational tone that allowed the book to flow so easily in the beginning. It does return to that easy flow toward the end, but it made for some dificult reading in the middle.
This book wraps up with an explanation of the Ten Principles of Epigentic Medicine and Practices of Epigenetic Medicine. It also has three appendices, which include a an EFT Basic Recipe to get you started, a Five Minute Energy Routine, and information on Church's nonprofit organization, the
Soul Medicine Institute.
This is an interesting and inspiring book! No wonder it won the Best Health Book Award from USA Book News.
Title: The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention
Author: Dawson Church, Ph.D.
Publisher: Energy Psychology Press
ISBN: 978-1-60415-011-7
SRP: $17.95 (U.S.)
While I haven't read it myself, my husband - who has a very high IQ - had to slow down while reading it to digest things fully. I think this is a good read for everyone, but the enthusiasm for the science can cause the author to spout it all out instead of keeping it conversational.
I agree. It's obvious that he is passionate and very knowledgable about the subject. My husband also believes in what the author states. I would have had him read it, but he is the slowest reader in existance. I can finish five books to his one. LOL!
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