In case you're wondering what happened to this month's National Blog Posting Month--life happened. I am in the midst of revising my first children's picture book manuscript that is under consideration; I am writing the Vacation Bible School program for church; an article is due to my editor at Writer2Writer next week, and I am working on three books with my daughter's preschool for their upcoming art show on April 9th. Oh, did I mention that I have five virtual book tours that start on April 1st?
All my blogs have suffered this last week. I apologize if you wandered out here and didn't find a daily post; but April is coming soon and hopefully after the first week of the month I'll be able to get back into the swing of things.
Speaking of the first week of April, we have great stuff planned. T.E. Scott, author of The Losing Game: Why You Can't Beat Wall Street is our guest blogger on April 1st, followed by our participation in the Dan Fogelberg Retrospective CD virtual tour on April 2nd.
If you haven't checked out my review of Finding Faith in a Skeptical World by Chet Galaska, you'll find it here. Chet and many other authors will be touring with Pump Up Your Book Promotion in April to discuss their books. Check out to see the entire list of April Authors on Tour.
Thanks for stopping by. I won't be posting over the weekend, so see you Monday!
Busy but you always still manage to produce such a interesting and enjoyable blog
Thanks Barry. I appreciate your kind words.
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