Today's guest blogger is Steve Verrier, author of Tough Love, Tender Heart. I found the cover of this novel fascinating and asked Steve what he could tell us about it. Here's what he had to say:
As far as the cover of TOUGH LOVE, TENDER HEART is concerned, my role was minimal. Lacking any sort of computer or design skills whatsoever, I simply told my publisher, Saga Books, which scene from the story I thought was particularly pivotal and ought to be depicted on the cover. Saga followed my suggestions to the letter. That’s as far as my involvement went, and, believe me, that’s a good thing.
TOUGH LOVE, TENDER HEART is the story of Don Fisher, a middle-aged misfit—just about everything has gone wrong in his life—who finally meets the sort of woman he’s given up on ever meeting. This happens while he’s on vacation in Venezuela. The woman, Ana, is Colombian, working as a waitress in Caracas, and while the two don’t exactly have a storybook romance, a child is conceived during Don’s vacation. He doesn’t learn this until he’s back in the States, but from that point on his energy is directed toward marrying Ana and bringing her to live in the US. Little does he realize the obstacles US Immigration is about to put in his path.
The scene I wanted on the cover pretty much epitomizes the couple’s troubles. Ana is coming to visit Don in the US, and immigration authorities at JFK International misread her intentions completely. She’s traveling on a tourist visa, and intends to abide by the conditions of her visa. Circumstantial evidence seems to pile up against her, though, and the senior immigration official on hand determines Ana’s intent is to stay permanently in the United States. As the official explains, current legislation is such that his determination is final. Don and Ana are convinced they have no recourse but to give in for now, to regroup, and Ana is escorted to catch a flight out of the country. The cover captures Don’s desperation and resignation, along with Ana’s disbelief and indignation. Equally important, I think, is the look on the face of the man assigned to accompany Ana to her flight out of the US. He may be helping to perpetrate a terrible injustice, but his expression seems to suggest he’s taking solace in the knowledge that he’s only doing his job.
TOUGH LOVE, TENDER HEART is available at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and other sources. For more information about TOUGH LOVE, TENDER HEART or about Steven Verrier, visit stevenverrier.com, and drop the author a line telling him what you think about this book!
The TOUGH LOVE TENDER HEART VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on December 1 and end on December 23. You can visit Steven's blog stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in December to find out where he is appearing!
As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner will be announced by Pump Up Your Book Promotion at the end of the month!
Thanks for the insight into the cover of "Tough Love, Tender Heart".
Good luck with your tour.
Interesting cover and a great post!
Good luck with your tour.
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