Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Wishes for My Favorite Book Characters

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

This week's topic is Bookish Wishes. You share a list of the Top 10 books you wish to own and a link to your wish list in the hope someone grants your wish. Such a neat idea, but not something I usually participate in. So, I decided to take this topic in a different direction. Here are my:

Top Ten Wishes for My Favorite Characters

I can't help wishing Ralph would have made a choice one way or the other. In the movie, Ralph expresses his regret in never making a choice, but that was absent in the book. 

Wouldn't it have been great if Corinne Dollanganger could have truly loved her children? But let's face it, with the way she grew up, how could she know how to be a loving mother?

I wish that Zebby and Amr's project to shine the light on what was meaningful to them at school didn't wind up causing such a negative impact when it was abused.  

Here's wishing that Cate MacLeod has a chance to enjoy life in Calvin for a while without stumbling upon a dead body...but it's not likely.

Wishing Clare holds onto her imaginary friend, Elsa, for as long as she needs her.

My true wish is that Melanie and Jack get a break from ghostly happenings and grow in their relationship.

What a great Christmas wish it would be if Michelle and Max and their family all get together next Christmas to catch up. 

I wish that Daisy and Lincoln find all they are looking for at Castle Moreau. 

As you know from yesterday's post, we will be saying goodbye to Tempe Crabtree and friends. My sincere wish is that Tempe and Hutch enjoy their retirement, and that all the residents of Bear Creek live a full life. 

In 2022, we also said farewell to the Rocky Bluff Police Department. Here's wishing that Gordon Butler truly gets to shine... no matter where he ends up.

What did you think of my list? Do you have wishes for any of your favorite book characters?


Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse said...

Your Flowers in the Attic wish is a good one.
I do think Melanie and Jack's relationship has grown over time and could probably use a little more. I'm glad the torch has passed to Nora.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for visiting, Deanna. I read Flowers in the Attic and two sequels, but had to break off at some point. What a tragic story. I agree Melanie and Jack grew over time. I hope continued growth would strengthen their relationship.

Lydia said...

I haven’t thought about Flowers in the Attic in ages. What a tragic story that was!

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

Lark said...

What a clever twist on this week's TTT! And I agree with your first one...although I wish Ralph had not just made a choice, but that he chose Meg. ;D

Susan said...

I love your twist on today's topic. Very clever!

Happy TTT!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Great idea for a topic. When I would complain about the ending of a book, my dad would always tell me that I should just write my own ending. And that's what you have done.

Cheryl said...

I agree, Lydia. Very tragic.

I always hoped that Ralph would choose Meggie, too, but that ambition was tough for him to get over.

Thanks, Susan. Off to read your blog.

Great idea, Deb.

Thanks to all for visiting and leaving comments yesterday.

Pam said...

I love your take on this week's topic. I'm sure we all have wishes for our favorite characters after the book ends. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier this week.

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!