Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book Review: Where Evil Lives by Ellie Dias


The beauty and romance of Paris brings Sam Middleton and Maddie O'Dell together. Will an unknown secret involving Sam's family tear them and their future apart?

Crawling out from underneath his father's withering gaze and abuse, Sam Middleton travels to Paris to study abroad. While there, he meets the sad and beautiful Maddie O'Dell. Hiding her own trauma, Maddie and Sam embark upon a friendship that blossoms into a love that is still tortured by their pasts. 

Upon his return to the States, Sam uncovers a secret that is bound to unravel their tender relationship. Thankfully, they each have treasured friends, but will that be enough to help them when more tragedy strikes and the secret that Sam has tried to bury is exposed in their very own home?

Where Evil Lives by Ellie Dias is a psychological thriller that explores the origin of evil within the confines of a family. What rules--nature or nurture? Does an evil gene exist? And if so, what is the impact on family and friends? 

As the reader follows along with Sam and Maddie on their journey, they are quickly caught up in the setting, the complex characters, and the suspense of what might happen. I feel that Where Evil Lives is a novel where the main characters are pushed to and beyond their breaking point, which makes for excellent reading. Where Evil Lives is a story of a family in crises, where two people still reeling from their own childhood issues, move into adulthood and parenting without a firm foundation underneath them. 

Where Evil Lives is a fascinating story that will have you thinking about it long after you have turned the last page. 

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1HY2CV
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ellie Dias (April 2, 2024)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ April 2, 2024
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 2575 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 304 pages

I purchased a copy of this book for my Kindle. This review contains my honest opinions, which I was not compensated for in any way. I acted in an editorial capacity on this novel prior to publication. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Oct 14

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.    

Welcome back to Monday! How's the weather were you are? It's definitely changed to fall temperatures around here. Good thing, because the Lil' Princess came home for fall break this past week, and the fall colors are amazing. She misses the leaves changing when she is in North Carolina. 

Here are a few photos from the last week's adventures.

The Lil' Princess after her white coat ceremony

The Lil' Princess and two of her roommates

Arriving home

Travis approves of the new sink

Having a rare day off, I caught up on reviews. You can read my thoughts on these two here.

My review of this one should appear here tomorrow.

This is another great book by Sheila Roberts. My review will appear on Wednesday. 

My review of this fabulous book by Jill Kemerer will appear here on Thursday. 

I need to finish this one before NetGalley archives it. Like what I have read so far. 

This one is for a November review. 

There are so many books I want to read through the end of the year, but I need to focus on two editing projects and plotting my next novel. I promised myself I would as I wait to hear back from the agent I submitted Home for the Heart to last month. Here are a few possibilities. 

I also grabbed this novel this week. Marilyn says it was supposed to be a Deputy Tempe Crabtree novel, but it didn't quite work with the series, so she changed the characters and tweaked the setting to create a stand alone book.

Upcoming events:
  • The Merry Matchmaker by Sheila Roberts - October 16 (Review)
  • A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker - November 20 (Review)

I am looking to review Christmas picture books, chapter books, and clean romance novellas this year. You can check out what other products I'm looking for here.

You can read the latest Christmas news at the Christmas Year Round blog. Lots of fun Christmas news. Early Christmas shoppers and decorators, Operation Christmas Child kickoff, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever movie is coming in November. You can read the latest news here.

That's it from me today. I hope to visit your blogs early. I'm typing this on Sunday in the hopes I can turn in earlier than usual. See you around the blogosphere! 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Audible Book Reviews: UnF#ck Your Brain by Faith G. Harper & Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor

Before I get started, can I rant one second about how annoying the way Blogger photos are managed these days. They changed it months ago, and now every time I want to add a previously uploaded image into a post, I have to scroll through thousands of images all smashed together into one colorful yet unsightly and unmanageable mess. It takes forever. Okay, now that that's off my chest, let's get started.

Unf#ck Your Brain by Faith G. Harper, PhD, LPC-S, ACS is a resource for those seeking to understand the science of the brain from a layperson's perspective. With a heavy dose of humor and an abundance of curse words, Harper seeks to help you understand how your brain works and the advantage of storytelling to rewire your brain to get the results you want. 

Swearing doesn't bother me, but if one day sh*t, a**hole, motherf'er, and the F-bomb were all removed from the English language, I'm not sure how the author would communicate. The advice is sound and the book is filled with helpful information, but it's not like you haven't heard most of this before. If there was some groundbreaking enlightenment, then rushing out to buy this one and enduring all the cussing might make sense. 

I'm not sure if there was an issue with the audio. Other reviewers mentioned it, so don't think it's me. I had to crank up the volume to hear it. The author does a fine job as narrator despite the sound quality, and I feel it cements her style and approach with the reader so they know what to expect in her other books. I wouldn't go out of my way to read Harper again, but if this is your style, she is funny. 

Listening Length3 hours and 39 minutes
AuthorFaith G. Harper PhD LPC-S ACS ACN
NarratorFaith G. Harper PhD LPC-S ACS ACN
Whispersync for VoiceReady
Audible.com Release DateMarch 20, 2018
PublisherBlackstone Audio, Inc.
Program TypeAudiobook
Best Sellers Rank#10,924 in Audible Books & Originals (See Top 100 in Audible Books & Originals)
#21 in Anxiety Disorders (Audible Books & Originals)
#35 in Medical Neuropsychology
#43 in Popular Neuropsychology

Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor provides the inspiration and motivation to change your life by using your mind to influence your future. Proctor was a high school dropout who became a millionaire. He then set out to help others accomplish their goals using the same philosophy.

This audiobook is an interview with Dan Strutzel guiding the conversation on topics that Proctor has spoken about for decades. This conversational style provides helpful insight into Proctor's philosophy, but it isn't a step-by-step guide. Proctor shares the reality we sometimes forget: the only thing in the universe we can change is ourselves. So we have to adapt, and changing our mindset can be hard. But, we are more than the challenges and obstacles we face, so as we adapt, we can change our lives. 

Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life explores numerous concepts, which Proctor is able to dive deeper into thanks to the conversation with Strutzel. There is also a helpful contribution by Proctor's business partner, Sandy Gallagher. 

I will be reading more books by Bob Proctor in the future. His philosophy truly resonated with me. 

Listening Length5 hours and 20 minutes
AuthorBob Proctor
NarratorBob ProctorDan Strutzel
Audible.com Release DateSeptember 28, 2021
PublisherAscent Audio
Program TypeAudiobook
Best Sellers Rank#3,166 in Audible Books & Originals (See Top 100 in Audible Books & Originals)
#78 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement (Audible Books & Originals)
#111 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement (Books)
#126 in Personal Finance (Books)

I downloaded these books thanks to my Audible membership. These reviews contain my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Lost Somewhere Between Tired and Plumb Tuckered Out


I am pretty sure if I had more surface space on the desk, this would be me right now. Enjoyed our time with the Lil' Princess in North Carolina, and came back to a ton of work. Luckily, flying gave me time to read. 

Not that this post is a good substitute for It's Monday! What Are You Reading? but I'm still sharing what I have read lately. Now, if I just had time to write the reviews.

You can read my review of this one and enter the giveaway here.

Still need to review these ones:

I finished this one on the plane. Loved, loved, loved it! Look for my review on October 16.

I also finished this one. 

I read some of this one as well. 

Since I only took one paperback on the trip with me, I ended up reading this book on my Kindle. Finished it last night. So good!

Need to read this one soon.

I am staying out of trouble and not signing up for many new book tours through the end of the year. I really want to read more seasonal books that I own. Not sure if that will happen, but working to stay on track. Below are the scheduled events.

Upcoming events:
  • The Merry Matchmaker by Sheila Roberts - October 16 (Review)
  • A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker - November 20 (Review)

I am looking to review Christmas picture books, chapter books, and clean romance novellas this year. You can check out what other products I'm looking for here.

You can read the latest Christmas news at the Christmas Year Round blog. Lots of fun Christmas news: California's Christmas town, a new Christmas music compilation, and a Christmas-themed bar. You can read the latest here.

Now, off to bed. Keeping all Floridians in my prayers. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Book Review & Giveaway: Side Launch by Brock Martin


Immerse yourself in the history of the Canadian Navy's involvement in World War II and The Battle of the Atlantic with Side Launch by Brock Martin.

Lieutenant Ian Thompson is skeptical as the mass produced, mid-sized warship the Corvette is rolled out. But Canada is determined to help Great Britain against Germany in the conflict. 

Kate, also known as the daughter of S.D. Andrews, is close with Ian, a friend of her brother, Robbie. And Ian's correspondence acknowledges their close friendship. As their friendship blossoms into something deeper, the wartime stakes increase, and for Kate, working in a field where her gender is seen as a disadvantage, the stakes could be even higher.

If you enjoy a well-researched historical, Side Launch is definitely that. It has a level of detail that one expects from a Tom Clancy novel. Leaning on personal experience and knowledge, Martin crafts a novel steeped in specific military and technical accuracy. The hint of romance softens some of those rougher sides of this type of novel. The characters are interesting and engaging, and I came away with a feeling of what the conflict looked like for someone outside of the United States.

Where I struggled as a reader was with the extensive narration and abundance of backstory. I'm a drop me into the middle of the action and sprinkle the backstory in as you go along kind of person. Side Launch simply isn't that kind of story. It's not categorized as a thriller, so the slow and steady pace isn't an issue. It's just that I felt distanced from the characters because of the paragraphs and paragraphs of narration and backstory. That doesn't mean it isn't a good story. It's just not told in a way that I came away breathless and eager for more. 

If you enjoy Tom Clancy, then Side Launch should be right up your alley.


There was a collective sigh as the Collingwood entered St. John’s port, even the ship relaxed with calm waters. The crew knew there was work to do but the pressure of performance was eased. The stress of the war was left outside the harbour or that’s how it felt. The HMCS Collingwood arrived at night and the entrance was as the Chief had explained. The access to the harbor was intimidating, much like trying to go through a hole in the wall. They had to navigate a narrow passage between rock walls, until they could relax at the opening of the bay. It was easy to imagine pirates entering the port hundreds of years ago. 

The relaxed atmosphere didn’t last long. The next day in the officers’ wardroom Ian could hear what he imagined was the beginning of a fierce argument. Ian was focused on writing a letter to his father so he kept his head down and tried his best to stay out of it. The wardroom was a lively place and arguments and banter could, and often did, break out over any topic. Ian was reluctant to pull rank in this setting, and preferred to let it ride. This was the place where his officers should be able to feel free to express any concerns. He liked and respected all his officers and most of the time any conflict was good-spirited and he felt confident they could work it out. It was most often Davies who would stir the pot. He had a gift of pulling the right levers, getting Kendrick and Plasket going. At times, Ian found it entertaining and the banter reminded him of his college days with Robert and the many useless arguments they would have for the sake of arguing.


The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. 

I received a digital copy from the author. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Sep 30

Before we get started, will you join me in offering thoughts and prayers to all those impacted by Hurricane Helene. The devastation reminds us of how fragile life and our planet truly are. 

Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.    

Here we are at the end of September. How did we get here so soon? I'm posting this early because my day off on Sunday turned into a work day. So, I already know Monday will be busy.

Last week was one filled with appointments and a trip to the local theater. I also made a yummy chocolate banana bread

We are leaving this coming Sunday for a quick trip to North Carolina. After that, I think we will be home until December when we bring the Lil' Princess home at the end of the semester. Scary to think about that already. However, once we hit October, it's like the rest of the year flies by. 

In my reading world, I still need to write this review.

I finished this one and scheduled my review to appear at this blog on October 2. 

I continued with this one. 

I read some of this one as well. 

These two will come to North Carolina with me. 

I will also likely bring, this one.

Upcoming events:
  • Side Launch by Brock Martin - October 2 (Review)
  • The Merry Matchmaker by Sheila Roberts - October 16 (Review)
  • A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker - November 20 (Review)

I am looking to review Christmas picture books, chapter books, and clean romance novellas this year. You can check out what other products I'm looking for here.

You can read the latest Christmas news at the Christmas Year Round blog. Lots of fun Christmas news. Macy's, Great American Christmas, and other fun stuff. You can read the latest here.

My visit today might be late, but I will definitely stop by your blogs. Hope you have a great day. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Sep 23

 Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.    

Happy Monday and welcome to fall! Saturday was more of a fall day for us here in Massachusetts. Windy, a bit cloudy, and cool for the Rick's Place Annual Golf Classic, but we still had fun. 

Went grocery shopping on Friday and saw that the local Walmart is already well into Christmas decorations.

Leaves are already falling here. This is from Saturday as well.

And in case you are wondering why I'm not blogging more lately, here you will find me at my fourth inspection of last week. 

No day off for me last week, but I will have some time coming at the beginning of October when we go back to North Carolina. 

Here is what my reading world looks like. 

Read my review of these two here.

I also reviewed this one yesterday. You can read that here

I finished this one on Audible. It was good, but the abundance of cursing drove me batty. I guess the title should have been my first clue. 

I am reading this one for an October 2nd review. 

I started this one for my October 16th review.

I started this NetGalley download.

This one is next. 

I want to finish this one, too. Maybe on the plane to North Carolina. 

I also need to figure out what other book I will bring with me. I'll probably spend more time in an airport than in NC, but I like to have plenty of reading material. 

Upcoming events:
  • Side Launch by Brock Martin - October 2 (Review)
  • The Merry Matchmaker by Sheila Roberts - October 16 (Review)
  • A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker - November 20 (Review)

I am looking to review Christmas picture books, chapter books, and clean romance novellas this year. You can check out what other products I'm looking for here.

You can read the latest Christmas news at the Christmas Year Round blog. Lots of fun Christmas news. You can check out my latest post here.

Looking forward to visiting your blogs today and seeing what you are reading. Hope you have a wonderful day!