Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Characters I Want to Meet


The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews. They offer this blog hop as a weekly prompt to help you gain new friends and visitors. You don't have to participate every week, but consistent blogging seems to be the key to success. I can say that when I participate in weekly memes and challenges, I see the most traffic and comments at The Book Connection. 

If you decide to post and join the blog hop for a week, Long and Short Reviews asks that you share your link on their weekly post on their website (it will be the top post on the home page each Wednesday morning). The link list remains open for new links for 48 hours. Then visit the other bloggers participating to see what they are talking about that week. Comments are appreciated. 

How is it Wednesday again? Hope you're having an amazing week.

Today, we are talking about characters we would like to meet. I'll start by sharing the expected ones: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Anne Shirley, and Jo March, all young women whose impulsive natures and forward thinking pushed the boundaries of their times. I would also add Dr. Michaela Quinn to that list. Though this character originated on television (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman), there were a few books released that tied into the series. The daughter of a Boston physician, she replies to an ad for a doctor in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Not originally well-received (they thought her name was Michael), she slowly wins over the townsfolk.  

Wouldn't it be neat to visit the fictional town of Cabot Cove and sit down with Jessica Fletcher? She is a writer and a mystery solver. The Murder, She Wrote books were a result of the popularity of the television show of the same name. Several authors have contributed to this series of books. 

Gordon Butler is introduced as a rookie cop in the third book of F. M. Meredith's Rocky Bluff P.D. series, Fringe Benefits. He is a magnet for mishaps and is often the butt of many jokes. He is my favorite character from the series. Would love to hang out with him and see what he's up to, how his job has changed, and if there is any special news he wants to share. 

Deputy Tempe Crabtree is the only woman and Native American on the Bear Creek police force. Introduced in Deadly Trail, this book finds her putting off her wedding to Pastor Hutch. By the time the series ends with A Final Farewell, she and Hutch are facing a different stage of life. In some ways, she reminds me of Dr. Quinn, because she depends upon her Native American roots to help solve crimes, while Dr. Quinn introduces Native American medicine into her practice in Colorado Springs. Both woman have ties to different communities. And Tempe, like Michaela, must overcome discrimination to become a valued member of her community.

Tempe has always fascinated me: the way she works; how dreams play into her life; how she taps into her ancestry, and her friendship with Nick Two John. Considering her age in the final book, I think as women in transition, we would have a lot to talk about. 

What are your thoughts on my list? Have you read any of these books? Which characters would you like to meet?

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