The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews. They offer this blog hop as a weekly prompt to help you gain new friends and visitors. You don't have to participate every week, but consistent blogging seems to be the key to success. I can say that when I participate in weekly memes and challenges, I see the most traffic and comments at The Book Connection.
If you decide to post and join the blog hop for a week, Long and Short Reviews asks that you share your link on their weekly post on their website (it will be the top post on the home page each Wednesday morning). The link list remains open for new links for 48 hours. Then visit the other bloggers participating to see what they are talking about that week. Comments are appreciated.
Welcome back to Wednesday. Today, we are talking about books we are nervous to read and why.
I pre-ordered this book, just like I have done with every Little House on the Prairie cast memoir. The main reason I haven't read it since it arrived in 2021, is because my review schedule has been steady for many years. Until 2024, I hadn't dedicated real time to reading from my TBR pile.
The other reason that I keep putting this one off is because I know that Grassle addresses her sometimes tense relationship with Michael Landon, and part of what makes Little House on the Prairie so special is the chemistry between Caroline and Charles. Kudos to them for being such professionals that this never came across onscreen. It is kind of like when I learned Christopher Plummer didn't like acting alongside children, and they didn't even use his real voice. You know these things happen, but you don't like to think about them happening on the sets of your favorite shows and movies.
What is a book you're nervous to read?
I know what you mean. Sometimes, finding out people from your favourite shows and movies didn't get along can tarnish those tv shows or movies. The mentioning of Little House on the Prairie takes me right back to Sunday afternoons. We'd watch it while waiting for my mum to finish making lunch. I haven't thought about that show in years! Oof the nostalgia.
That’s totally understandable. I’d be hesitant to read about what happened behind the scenes on my favourite shows, too.
Well, on my blog I couldn't find a reason but yours hits home with me. It's no different than sometimes just not wanting to watch on tv the bad part you know might be coming. The same is true of a book. Even though you know things change doesn't mean you want to read about it in your enjoyment time.
HaHa Lydia. Looked up and realized you'd written the same thing about tv shows!
Yep! Like there was lots of contention between Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan on the set of ST Voyager.
Exactly, George. Netflix is going to be remaking LHOP. It will be interesting to see what they do with it. Thanks for visiting.
I read Forever Lisel by Charmian Carr, and it really made me realize how different things are than we see. Thanks for visiting today.
So true, Kathy. Thanks for visiting.
I didn't know that, Stephen. Interesting to hear about that. Thanks for visiting.
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