Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Did Not Finish (DNF)

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday. This might be a tough one for me. Though I have improved over the years, I still don't like not finishing a book. Mostly, I stop listening to audiobooks that don't capture my attention, but rarely a printed book.

Top Ten Books I Did Not Finish (DNF)

This first one is cheating, because I grabbed the book listed on a site as a Kindle freebie, but I returned it the same day when it wasn't. 

This is just a book I started but then had to break off to continue with my reviewing schedule. I hope to get back to it this year. 

What I read of this book, I enjoyed. Simply don't like the genre enough to read such a big novel. 

These next two are simply because I am horrible about reading books about writing and the writing business. 

I think this was a NetGalley download when it first came out. This book explores Laura and Rose's complicated relationship and their writing partnership. Tried a few times to read it, but couldn't. 

I think this one is simply a great book at the wrong time. I read another book by these authors, but I never seemed to read much more than a few pages of this. Ultimately ended up giving it to the library book sale. 

This is a book I know I will read one day. Benjamin's work is amazing. It's the content that I struggle with. Knowing what this is about, I really need to work up to it. That's the same reason I have started the nonfiction account of the same title by David Laskin three times and have not gotten past the first chapter. 

I wanted to like this book, but I couldn't get into it even after three chapters. The author as narrator didn't help me enjoy it. Most of the reviews are good, so it might be me. 

Honestly, this is what I really work to do with my real estate business. Maybe not as hyperlocal as I could be, but relationship building is a skill of mine. Thought I might gain some new ideas. Some were outdated considering this was published in 2017. Hung in there for a while, but didn't mesh with me. 

Looking forward to visiting your blogs today. 


Lydia said...

The Children’s Blizzard was good but quite sad. I don’t blame you for needing to be in the right headspace for it.

Emily said...

If a book sounds too emotional then I will usually bypass it.

The Real Estate one - things move so fast all the time don't they. When I worked as a Legal Secretary in Conveyancing the changes that happened over those 6 years was surprising.

Have a great week!

Yvonne said...

Interesting list. I haven't read any of these. I rarely DNF. I will put a book aside and read at a later date, though.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

I truly enjoy Benjamin's writing, so I hope I have the headspace soon. Thanks for visiting, Lydia.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Sometimes I feel the same way, Emily. There are also times you need to read just for entertainment. Yes, real estate moves too quickly. Thanks for visiting today.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

I didn't use to DNF books, Yvonne. I think as my time is so limited these days, there is a need to honor that time with what I enjoy. Thanks for visiting today.

Cindy said...

I still struggle with DNFing books, some are easier than others, but it is necessary! I have not read any of these but I understand why you couldn't read them.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

That's understandable, Cindy. I tend to finish books sent for review even if I don't like them as much as I wanted to. Thanks for visiting today.

Literary Feline said...

March isn't one I have ever had an interest in reading, but it does seem to be well liked. I hope that, if you do pick it up again, you enjoy it! There just isn't enough time to get to the books we want to read sometimes, is there?

I also can relate to you having to set aside a book because you weren't in the right mindset. That happens to me too.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I know so many people who read and loved March by Brooks. But I couldn't seem to get into it. Maybe one day?