Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
Welcome back to Tuesday! Here we are at the second Tuesday of the year. How is your week going so far?
Today, we are sharing our Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2025. I've always liked the word "Promises" better, because it kind of tricks my brain into completing more of them. Mom always told me not to break a promise. I'm all for some brain trickery if it helps me feel more productive. Here are my...
Top Ten Bookish Promises for 2025
Complete my Goodreads challenge
This year, I set my goal at 80. Goodreads is kindly telling me that I am two books behind schedule. What it doesn't know is that I am actually three reviews behind schedule. This promise might be aggressive considering the real estate year I plan to have and the other promises I am declaring, but I love working toward this challenge each year.
Read 15 books from my TBR Pile.
This is the same promise as last year. I tend to read more review books throughout the year, but I would love to whittle down my TBR Pile. I read 16 from my TBR Pile last year, so this seems manageable.
Read 4 leadership books.
Having read three last year, I plan to dedicate more time to these skills in 2025.
Read 2 personal or professional development books.
Audible makes it easier for me to read these books, some of which I don't want to own in print. Like leadership skills, consistently developing these skills is a focus in 2025.
Read a book in a genre I don't usually read.
This is a standing promise to expand my horizons each year by reading a book in a genre that I don't tend to read often or at all.
Complete Amelia's Mission.
If I do nothing else with my writing in 2025, I want to complete my middle grade historical. It will still need a ton of work, and I will need to brush up on my market research, but this is the year I either hide it in my digital drawer or write the end.
Complete Sheltered Hearts.
This is the second book in the series I started with my 2023 NaNoWriMo project, Home for the Heart. I'm impatiently waiting for news on that one. If the agent accepts it, then this promise will move to the top of the list.
Invest in a new author website.
It's time. My knowledge has taken this website as far as it can go. I'm hiring a professional to redesign my author website. The wallet won't be happy, but the site needs a more professional look than I can give it.
Plot the last book in the series.
I already know which character will be the focus of the last book in the series, but I don't know her story yet. Some ideas are tumbling around in my head, but until I finish Sheltered Hearts, it will be challenging to plot out another novel.
Complete NaNoWriMo.
If I am able to plot out the last book in time, then I should accomplish this.
I would add in that I would still like to make room in my schedule for two to three paid editing jobs. Not sure how feasible that is.
What are some goals/promises on your list? Which one is your top priority this year?
I'd love to be able to complete NaNoWriMo this year! Perhaps I need to do more pre-plotting...
Good luck setting up your new website! Let us know about it once it’s ready. :)
You can do it, Deb! If you want to brainstorm later this year, let me know.
Thanks, Lydia. Appreciate your interest. Will definitely let you know.
These are great goals! Good luck with them. I didn't complete my Goodreads goal in 2023 or 2024, but I'm back for 2025.
Good luck on your challenges, I love that you call them promises!
Good luck with all your goals!
Thanks, Yvonne! You will do it in 2025. This is your year!
Thanks, Emma. Appreciate your kind words.
Thanks, Cindy! You too.
These sound like excellent promises!
Good luck with all your writing goals.
Have a great week!
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