Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cheryl's Three Words for 2025


At Modern Prairie, we choose a word to guide our year. Last year's word was "Discover." I also chose nine others to inspire my year in 2024. As I contemplated 2025, I really thought about what I was looking for, what was important to me, and what this year needed to be about to make me happy. That's when I landed on the perfect word: Truth.

From a very early age, I learned about telling the truth and how we need to be honest and act with integrity. Whether it was in school, at home, or from reading Scripture, the importance of truth was spoken often. 

Sometimes, however, the one person we aren't honest with is ourselves. We do things that don't make us happy or that we never wanted to do in the first place. We tell ourselves that we aren't pretty enough, smart enough, savvy enough, or good enough to have the life that we dream of. 

As I worked to discover more of my dreams last year, I realized that being okay wasn't enough for me. I wasn't being honest with myself. There are things I want to do before I leave this world. There is more to me than I let people see, and I want to explore that person in greater detail. 

As I explore that truth and live more of my truth, I must have faith in what I'm doing. And just like last year, I need to firmly believe that God's plan for my life will continue to unfold and come to fruition--in His timing, not mine--as long as I keep my heart and mind open to His guidance and direction. And as long as I keep love of God, love of self, and love of family and friends deep in my heart, success is bound to come. 

What is/are your word/words for 2025? What do they mean to you? 

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32

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