Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books with Weather Events in the Title/on the Cover

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday! This week's topic for Top Ten Tuesday is a fun one. Let's see if I can come up with books that have something more than snow in them...since you know how much I love them snowy covers.

Not as bad as I thought. Only had to go searching for two titles, and they were ones I should have thought of anyway. What do you think of these choices? Which ones have you read? 


BonnieReadsAndWrites said...

Love that cover of The Beautiful Storm! Here's my TTT: https://bonniereadsandwrites.com/2023/10/17/top-ten-tuesday-books-with-weather-events-in-the-title-toptentuesday/

Cassie said...

I think I can HEAR that cover of The Perfect Storm!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

You did well! The Lightning Thief has such a fabulously stormy cover.

Lydia said...

Anne of Windy Poplars is a great pick.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

Rebecca said...

I love snow, too.

Great list!

Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse said...

I don't like snow, but I think it looks pretty. Especially on book covers.

Emily said...

A great list. I love books with snow on them but apparently I don't read many weather related books according to my backlist!

Have a great week!

Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:

Greg said...

Great picks. I don't think I ever realzied until I blogged that there were more books in the Anne series.

Lauren Stoolfire said...

One of these days I should try Kristin Hannah.

Jo said...

Red Storm Rising & The Perfect Storm both are great!! I don't have one single book with weather in the title!!

Ronyell (a.k.a. Rabbitearsblog) said...

The Lightning Thief is a pretty popular pick this week! Great list!

Here’s my TTT


Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Bonnie, that is one of my favorite covers.

Cassie, I agree. So much power in that cover.

Deb, I saw The Lightning Thief a lot today.

Thanks, Lydia. I can't believe I almost forgot about it.

Snow is fun, Rebecca; especially if you don't have to drive in it.

I agree, Deanna.

Emily, I had an easier time than I thought I would, but I had to do a lot of digging through 16 years of blogging.

I didn't know that for a long time, Greg. When I was 11, I received the first three books in a boxed set. I didn't know there were more Anne books until I was in my 20s.

Lauren, I have to admit I didn't read that one, but it's on my list because I've heard so many people raving about it.

Thanks, Jo. I guess now you might have a reason to pick up some books with weather in the title.

Ronyell, yes, it was very popular this week.

Thanks for visiting today, everyone.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I'm a huge fan of Lightning Thief and Perfect Storm. I continue to be fascinated with books that feature extreme weather conditions.