Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Atmospheric Books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

I have to admit I'm not sure about this week's topic. The explanation at That Artsy Reader Girl is as follows:
Atmospheric Books (The Novelry explains this concept as: “A novel feels atmospheric when the setting and the narrative are deeply involved with one another; when characters and plot are physically embedded in their surroundings, and a near-tangible mood lifts from the pages and wraps itself around the reader.” Study.com explains that, “The atmosphere is how a writer constructs their piece to convey feelings, emotions, and mood to the reader. The atmosphere in literature might be tense, fast-paced, mysterious, spooky, whimsical, or joyful and can be found in poetry, stories, novels, and series.”)

I think I get it, but if I miss the mark, hope you give me a pass.

Top Ten Atmospheric Books

With the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling created a magical, yet dangerous atmosphere where the stakes increasingly rise, culminating with Harry facing his destiny. 

In Marley, we see how the gloomy confines of Professor Drabb's Academy for Boys and his friendship with a young Jacob Marley sets Ebenezer Scrooge on a wicked path. 

Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump Stratton's story of fame and fortune takes place against the exciting backdrop of the circus. Her story will forever be tied to P.T. Barnum and Charles Stratton (General Tom Thumb). 

Could the Daughters of Eve and Sons of Adam had such a magical, dangerous, and thrilling adventure outside of Narnia?

While Anne's story actually began in an orphanage, it is her arrival at Green Gables and life in Avonlea where she found joy, sorrow, and love. Avonlea captivates Anne with its beauty. She finds her bosom friend there. She finds her future husband there. This joyful atmosphere had its moments of sorrow, but overall it is Anne's happy place. 

The story for generations of Clearys is forever tied to Drogheda, a sheep station in the Australian Outback that brought them loss and triumphs. Coming to work on Drogheda changed the Clearys' lives, especially Meggie's. 

The life of a pioneer following her husband and his itchy feet from the Big Woods of Wisconsin to settle in the isolating unknown of Kansas could take place nowhere else than the unsettled American West. This novel is deeply set in her point of view, which makes it an amazing read. 

Life in the South during the Civil War is captured in this novel of mystery and romance. Set on two different plantations, it is the mystery surrounding the pool that moves this story forward as much as Ella's storyline. 

Set in the mountain community of Bear Creek, weather is often part of the plot. In this novel, Deputy Tempe Crabtree and her husband Hutch are called to a closed summer camp during a huge snowstorm. They end up being trapped along with a murderer and a ghost. 

A malevolent ghost is loose in Melanie Middleton's historic home on Tradd Street. Unfortunately for her, Melanie can see all the ghosts waiting to tell their secrets. The Savannah setting ties into the entire series and weaves itself into Melanie's life. 

In this novel, the island is just as much a character as the humans. This vampire spoof combines the paranormal elements with everything southern. 

What did you think of my choices? Have you read any of these? 


Lydia said...

I struggled a bit with this week’s topic, too! You’re not alone.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse said...

The Tradd Street series is perfect for this topic! I wish I would have thought of it myself.

Cindy said...

I think you did great with the topic. I skipped it altogether...at least for this week. Have a great rest of your week!

Rita said...

I think you did an amazing job on this week's topic.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post: https://storiedconversation.com/top-ten-tuesday-atmospheric-books/

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Glad to hear it, Lydia. I was really scratching my head.

Deanna, seems like Karen White was on both of our minds.

Thanks, Cindy. Enjoyed your topic today.

Thanks, Rita. You had some great books on your list.

Thanks to all of you for visiting today.

Susan said...

These all look very atmospheric to me! HP is a great choice. I don't know why I didn't think of it. Oops.

Happy TTT!