Which mother out there hasn't felt guilty at one time or another? I think I've carried around more than my fair share of guilt over the years. In Amber Khan's
Guilt Free Motherhood: A 5-Step Guide to Reclaiming Your Time, Health & Well-Being, moms learn how to free themselves from the power guilt has over them.
Khan gets right to it, helping the reader discover what she feels guilty about and letting you know you're not alone. As she acknowledges, times have changed and moms are pulled in more directions than ever before. In Part One, she talks about different things that can make moms feel guilty and overwhelmed--like being unable to say no (something I really struggle with). In Part Two, the reader learns to recognize the "guilt traps" they fall into. From balancing family life and career, to neglecting your health, to over-committing, and more, Khan takes the reader through these traps so the reader can understand what she's dealing with. Then in the final part of the book, Khan provides a 5-Step Guide to help you live a guilt-free life.
The author has kept this book to only 154 pages, so it's easy to read, but still offers a ton of great information. It's not a philosophy where you are expected to totally change your life. It's realistic and will help you learn how to take things one day at a time. The exercises get you thinking how to make this work best for you.
If you're a mom who feels guilty for one reason or another, I believe
Guilt Free Motherhood can help.
File Size: 905 KB
Print Length: 154 pages
Publication Date: April 29, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
I received a copy of this book from the author through Pump Up Your Book. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.
I have read this book for the following challenge:
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