Elmo is an American story about the small town of Miner pulling together to survive a would-be depression. Initially, the dads kept a smile on their face during the day and secretively took turns wearing a hobo outfit at night. Panhandling at the edge of town was a last resort to keep their families secure; but for how long?
A weak link in security unveiled their nighttime activity to the town's most popular teenager: Sam Skates. This rude awakening propelled the high school senior to join the cause, forcing him to become a man. The story has twists and turns that tests the strength of these good men. Like any small town, these trials only made them stronger.
Then came reality.
He was now exposed at the intersection of Main and Elm. The reflective environment of ice, frost and snow was glorified by the moon and stars. Mankind's artificial sources further intensified the ground where he would stand as a beggar.
Sam stood at the crosswalk that led to the unmanned post across the street. Looking to his right he saw the fields and playgrounds where childhood dreams spawned from. To his left was the ramp that led to those dreams.
Matt Shea is a developing author having written five books. He is greatly inspired by the writings of Andy Griffith and marvels at the small towns this country was built on. His writings incorporate the values they hold and applies it to today's society.
To view more of Matt Shea's books you are invited to go to: www.mattsheabooks.com. This site offers many free stories and allows comments for all viewers.
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