Chuck Waldron’s latest novel, Lion's Head Deception, is a dystopian story about an investigative blogger who uncovers more than he ever imagines...and has no idea what to do with his discovery.
An investigative blogger uncovers a sinister conspiracy, a billionaire's plan backed by select government officials, designed to exterminate citizens who do not live up to a predetermined screening matrix; under the guise of rioting and a destabilized city, the plan is implemented and the blogger fights not only to discover and reveal the truth, but to survive.
"I grew up," Chuck said, "listening to my grandfather, an Ozark Mountain story teller, spinning tales of the caves on his farm, describing them as hiding places once used by the Jesse & Frank James' gang. It didn't matter if the stories were true or not. Those legends set fire to my imagination, creating images that emerged slowly over the years, finally igniting as my short stories and novels."
Now, thirty-plus short stories and three novels later, ideas keep coming, with more novels under development. Do they share anything in common? Each has its own unique voice and tale to tell, yet, at their heart, his stories tell about the human condition - the good, the bad and the ugly.
As Chuck tells it, "stored images that echo in my writing include train whistles in the night, Norman Rockwell childhood scenes, U.S. Army memories, blue collar jobs, university, a professional career, and finally retirement. Many of my images are drawn from this pool of memories: places visited, sights seen, and people met. The rest I fill in with my imagination: dreams of places yet to be visited, sights yet to be seen, and people yet to meet."
His literary roots were planted in the American Midwest and thrived when transplanted to the rich, cultural soil of Ontario. He and his wife, Suzanne, are now warmed by the sun on Florida’s Treasure Coast.
Visit his website at
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
When I’m not writing novels like
Lion’s Head Deception, I’m usually thinking about the next story, or two. When I’m not writing or thinking about writing I love to walk, bicycle and travel. I’m fortunate to live in Florida, not far from the beach.
I was born in the Midwest, Iowa to be specific. My tour in the U.S. Army and my time in university and graduate school is fodder for ideas. I’m fortunate to have lived in a wide variety of locations. It all combines to provide a fertile hunting ground for story characters and ideas.
When did you begin writing?
I was told I wrote my first story when I was 8 years old. My introduction to creative writing began in earnest in 1980 when by chance I took a class in writing a short story. I turned my first short story into my first novel and now, four novels completed, the writing journey continues.
What is this book about?
An investigative blogger uncovers a sinister conspiracy, a billionaire’s plan backed by select government officials, designed to exterminate citizens who do not live up to a predetermined screening matrix; under the guise of rioting and a destabilized city, the plan is implemented and the blogger fights not only to discover and reveal the truth, but to survive.
What inspired you to write it?
In the United States our individual right to privacy is held to be sacrosanct, free from searches without a warrant and free from arrest without cause. Since the event of 9/11 there has been a sharp increase in the fear that our expectation of privacy has been eroded. That fear is both imagined and real, judging by some of today’s news and events.
But the inspiration came while I was living near Toronto in 2010.
• Emergency police force of over 10,000 uniformed officers from surrounding police.
• Add 1,000 security officers and several military units.
• Drawing lines on a map to outline an area with checkpoints to monitor who enters and leaves. People would be issued identity cards to determine who belonged.
• More than a billion dollars would be spent to head off rioting and trouble makers
• Police wearing black tape over their shields to prevent identification.
That couldn’t happen, you say, only to learn that the news story above described actual events that occurred in a major North American city? The G-20 Economic Conference place in a Canadian city in 2010. But might it happen in any city?
The seed for the story line of
Lion’s Head Deception was planted as I read about the planning, the riots, and the follow-up of that event.
Who is your biggest supporter?
That’s an easy one, my wife. Without her unflagging support none of it would be possible.
Who is your favorite author?
John LeCarre is my favorite for fiction. I don’t think he ever uses an unnecessary word. Elmore Leonard and Robert Parker were masters of wit and brevity. My favorite non-fiction writer was William Manchester, especially his three volume biography of Winston Churchill.
Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
Run; don’t walk to Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other online sources. They can also be ordered directly from my publisher at
Lion’s Head Deception is ready in hardcover, paper, and ebook formats.
Do you have a video trailer to promote your book? If yes, where can readers find it?
The trailer is available at
What is up next for you?
I’m already hard at work on the sequel to
Lion’s Head Deception as well as a sequel to my third novel,
Served Cold.
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