Scitech Labs was handsomely commissioned by the United States Military to design a revolutionary serum that would create the ultimate soldier. If successful, the soldier would have an increase in endurance, strength, awareness and overall speed. They would become the true super soldier. That's if everything went according to plan.
Scitech put its best scientists on the project and gave them a time limit to complete the job or else. With the pressure on and the stakes high, Vincent Masterson and his team put everything they had into the project. . Everything was looking hopeful until an experiment went horribly wrong. The scientists mutated their specimen's DNA, turning it into something monstrous. Now, life as we know it will never be the same.
As it stands, the only thing that can save them is one of the two things they should be running from.
Can the human race survive being caught in a bloody war between two vicious predators?
The Director of the Biological Research Department of SciTech Laboratories, Dr. Steve Morris sat at
his desk in his comfortable black, leather chair as he spoke with the military general across from him.
“I'm sure I don't have to tell you that this little experiment is to be kept top secret?” General Bradley
Fuller reiterated. His cold blue eyes attempted to cut ribbons through the debonair attitude of the younger
Dr. Morris cleared his throat, blatantly ignoring the General’s glare. “I understand full well the
importance of secrecy in this matter and I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about.”
“If it's all the same to you, I'll be the judge of that. Trusting SciTech Labs with this wasn't my choice.
However, this company came highly recommended as one of the top labs in the entire country, so here I
am.” The General crossed one leg over the other as he rested his hands on his knee. “What can you
guarantee as the turnaround time? We want results as soon as possible.”
“Well, from what you've shown me, it's an unknown substance. It might help us if you can give me a
little more background on the compound. It would help us to know where it came from,” Steve said.
The General frowned. “Unfortunately, that's classified.”
Steve scoffed. “General, you've got my hands tied—”
“It's need to know and you don't have the clearance,” Gen. Fuller interjected brashly. “If you don't
think your department can work under those circumstances I'll inform my superiors of your
“General, please, there's no need for rashness. I only want to give the United States Military Forces our
very best effort.”
“The United States Military isn't looking for 'effort', Doctor. We're looking for results and with what
you're being offered to come up with those results, failure is not an option. Are we clear?”
Gen. Fuller's stern gaze became even more intense. The nerves Steve was trying to ignore came roaring
to the forefront. He shifted in his chair, feeling a lot less comfortable.
Steve cleared his throat. “As they say in the military, crystal.”
Steve adjusted the knot of his tie, loosening the material a bit. The room was feeling a bit hotter than it
was several minutes ago before the general entered. He couldn't help but wonder if it was because the
heat was turned up or if it was just him.
“I'd like to meet the team you're going to assign to this experiment,” Gen. Fuller requested.
“Oh, of course. One minute.” Steven pressed several buttons on his phone keypad and a masculine
voice came over the intercom.
“Yes, Dr. Morris?” Dr. Vincent Masterson replied.
“I'd like you to gather your team and come to my office,” Steve ordered.
“We'll be there shortly.”
The line disconnected. The two men sitting in the office looked at each other for a few seconds before
Gen. Fuller broke the uncomfortable silence. “You still didn't give me a turnaround time.”
“You’ll have to forgive me General, but with so little information provided to us regarding this
compound, I can't in good conscious give you an exact date,” Steve said.
“You have six months.”
“Six months? I think it's premature to attempt to put a time limit on this project.”
“Regardless of your opinion, six months is the limit. We would prefer results before that date, of
course. You'll have every resource you'll need at your disposal. If after six months, you come to me empty
handed, you will lose the sizable grant your company is being awarded based on your success with this
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D. N. Simmons lives in Chicago IL., with a rambunctious German Shepherd that's too big for his own good and a mischievous kitten that she affectionately calls "Itty-bitty". Her hobbies include rollerblading, billiards, bowling, reading, watching television and going to the movies. She has been nominated at Love Romances and More, winning honorable mention for best paranormal book of 2006. She has won "Author of the Month" at Warrior of Words. She was voted "New Voice of Today" at Romance Reviews and "Rising Star" at Love Romance and More.
To learn more, and have the opportunity to speak with the author personally, please visit the official website and forum at . D.N. is always interested in meeting new and wonderful people.
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