While reporting on devastating floods in her home town, journalist Julia Evans stumbles upon a possible poison spill that kills dozens of fish and neighbors' pets. She soon discovers the story is much bigger and more dangerous than she realized. Along with the help of her husband, John, Julia is determined to get to the bottom of things.
Linda Weaver Clarke fans will be thrilled to see her combine her sweet romantic stories, historical tidbits, and intrigue in her John and Julia Evans Mystery Series. Why I feel Anasazi Intrigue (Book 1) and the rest of this series will be a hit with Clarke's fans is because she stays true to her sweet romance and history loving readers by blending these elements into an intriguing mystery.
John and Julia Evans are a married couple with grown children. It's nice to see a romantic element to a story that involves mature adults and a marriage that is not perfect, but one in which both people are committed to making it work. Add to that their grown children, a friend of the family, and a group of interesting bad guys, and you have a recipe for a great read.
I look forward to reading the other books in this series.
File Size: 1024 KB
Print Length: 273 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 158982587X
Publisher: Red Mountain Shadows Publishing; 2nd Edition edition (December 6, 2012)
ISBN-10 1481266861
ISBN-13 978-1481266864
I received a free electronic copy of this book from the author. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.
This is the 7th book I've read for the following challenge:
This is the 10th book I've read for the following challenge:
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