A novella length romantic comedy, with a dash of the serious. Longer than a short story, shorter than a full-length novel - just the right size for a busy reader!
Throw a crazy canine, a handyman, and a quirky artist together and you've got mayhem!
Who'd guess it's Jake, the handyman, who needs rescuing when he answers a call by the distraught artist, Zoe, to stop a toilet flood begun by her crazy canine, FuFu?
Jake's engaged to a sexy, perfect woman, and she's even a great cook! There's no room in his life for a quirky, rich artist, who eats raw vegetables and probably can't even boil an egg -- or is there? Are Jake's perfect plans about to be disrupted?
Throw a crazy canine, a handyman, and a quirky artist together and you've got mayhem!
Who'd guess it's Jake, the handyman, who needs rescuing when he answers a call by the distraught artist, Zoe, to stop a toilet flood begun by her crazy canine, FuFu?
Jake's engaged to a sexy, perfect woman, and she's even a great cook! There's no room in his life for a quirky, rich artist, who eats raw vegetables and probably can't even boil an egg -- or is there? Are Jake's perfect plans about to be disrupted?
The Dog Who Owns Me
by Morgan Mandel
I must admit I’ve been owned by more than one dog. Each time I adopt one, it owns me. My present owner is Rascal.
My husband and I came upon that ownership by accident. We were eager to meet and adopt another dog we’d noticed online through the Buddy Foundation, and hopped into the van on our way to the Buddy Adoption Event. I actually saw the dog we wanted. It looked absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, it was held on a leash, next to a woman who was signing the adoption papers!
Especially disheartening was the fact our prior dog had recently been lost to cancer, I still missed her, and was hoping to be cheered by adopting what looked like the perfect dog to love and take into our home.
When my husband suggested another Adoption Day Event that same day, this one sponsored by Chicagoland Dog Rescue, I agreed to give it a try. As I stepped out of the van, I was afraid to get my hopes up and be disappointed again.
About eight dogs were lined up on the sidewalk in front of PetSmart. The first looked awfully cute, but it was a pitbull puppy. I did my best to ignore my attraction to the dog, because for one thing I didn’t want a puppy. They’re a lot of work. For another, I’d heard far too many horror stories about pitbulls.
I examined the other dogs, yet couldn’t get the pitbull out of my mind. In spite of my misgivings about her breed and her age, she drew me back to her. My husband felt the same bond. Somehow, against all odds, a connection had been made and we were powerless to fight it.
I signed the papers and made it official. Rascal owned me, and she has ever since!
For more about Rascal, check out her Facebook page at http://facebook.com/ourlittlerascal
And now, a few words about FuFu, the dog in my latest romantic comedy release, HerHandyman. She owns Zoe, a quirky, rich artist. Zoe hardly ever listens to the news because it’s too gruesome. She lives in a fancy Chicago penthouse in the upscale River North area, and does her best to live in a beautiful, stress-free environment. How FuFu came to own Zoe is similar to my experience. Being a doglover, Zoe set out to adopt the perfect dog. Then she spies FuFu, who belongs to a breed which often wins the ugliest dog contests. As soon as she holds FuFu in her arms, Zoe is a goner, and despite previous resolves, must take her dogchild home.
Without FuFu, there would be no Her Handyman story. When her toy gets stuck in the toilet in the dead of night, a frantic Zoe calls Jake, the handyman, to stop the flood before it drips through the floor and onto the ceiling below. Jake sets out to rescue Zoe, but little does he know he’ll soon be the one who needs rescuing!
Without FuFu, there would be no Her Handyman story. When her toy gets stuck in the toilet in the dead of night, a frantic Zoe calls Jake, the handyman, to stop the flood before it drips through the floor and onto the ceiling below. Jake sets out to rescue Zoe, but little does he know he’ll soon be the one who needs rescuing!
Find HerHandyman on Amazon Kindle for 99 cents at http://amzn.com/B0097EVXBK
Morgan Mandel’s Amazon Author Central Page: http://amazon.com/author/morganmandel
Morgan Mandel’s Amazon Author Central Page: http://amazon.com/author/morganmandel
Morgan Mandel lives in a Chicago suburb with her husband, commonly known as Good Paul, and their loveable pit bull, Rascal. She’s not ashamed to admit her vices: chocolate, ice cream, pizza and a great love of slot machines. Her favorite pastimes are reading, writing, going to garage and rummage sales, attending festivals and watching romances and mysterys on TV and DVDs.
Her Handyman is Morgan’s fifth book. She’s also a contributor to a short story collection. For Excerpts & Links to Morgan’s Books, check http://morgansbooklinks.blogspot.com .
Thanks for inviting me over, Cheryl, so I can share my dog stories!
Morgan Mandel
Very intriguing Morgan. Good blog. You've let me know a little about you which makes me want to know what happened in your book, which makes me want to read it. How did you do that to me?
Its a conspiracy, Joyce!
Morgan Mandel
Any story with dogs is a winner! And Rascal is a cutie!
Chris, I and Rascal thank you for calling her cute!
Morgan Mandel
FuFu is so ugly, she's cute. And pets are so central to our lives that it's great that you made FuFu essential to the story.
Morgan, your book sounds marvelous and I love the story about Rascal. Sharing stories: I have two rescue cats, Yulie (Yul Brynner King of Siam) and Ellie (Elphaba Queen of da Nile). I traveled 74 miles each way to get them and never regretted it for one minute, even tho Yulie - a flamepoint siamese - never shut his mouth the entire trip home. That said, going over to Amazon to buy your book. Thanks!
Thanks for getting my book, Heather. I hope you enjoy it!
That's amazing you travelled so far for a pet adoption! We petlovers will do almost anything for our animals!
Yes, Helen, I know that Rascal is central to my life!
Morgan Mandel
The book sounds great! Rascal is a very lucky dog to have adopted you.
Such a charming tale. The pictures tell the story!
Morgan ~ you have an adorable pet. Family pets are family members! Your book shows that too! Good luck and have fun promoting your book.
DL Larson
Thanks, Jacqueline, Susan and Deb!
Morgan Mandel
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