Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Interview with Paul Magid, Author of Lifting the Wheel of Karma (Giveaway)
Paul H. Magid started writing his debut novel, Lifting the Wheel of Karma, twenty-five years ago while still in high school. It took him so long to complete because he tried repeatedly to abandon it, but the work refused to be forsaken. Eventually he realized that sharing this story with the world was, in fact, his Dharma.
Along the way he has worked as a Wall Street financial analyst, a waiter (not a very good one), a Hollywood Agent Trainee, a real estate developer, a summer day camp director, an award winning screenwriter, and independent filmmaker—including his autobiographical film, A Life Unfinished, which screened in The Hamptons International Film Festival.
Visit Paul online at http://www.paulhmagid.com/.
Where did you grow up?
Manalapan, NJ.
When did you begin writing?
I began secretly writing in high school. I say "secretly" because I was too insecure to tell anyone that I wanted to be a writer.
Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?
I write mostly at night because the energy of late at night is best for me. Having said that, however, you never know when inspiration will strike. I try to put myself in moving meditative moments when, for me, the creative juices get flowing, which can mean going for a walk or a drive. When it works, I scramble for something to write on before I forget it and it's gone forever.
What is this book about?
Lifting the Wheel of Karma is a searing spiritual epic about healing, about redemption, and ultimately, about a boy who finds God in the most extraordinary of ways.
What inspired you to write it?
I knew from the start that I wanted to share with the world a penetrating and powerful story of meaning. I wanted to share with the world the most amazing story I possibly could, and after twenty-five years of working on it, I finally did.
Who is your favorite character from the book?
It's funny you ask that, because that's also the very first question in my Reader's Group Question list. For me, my main character, Joseph Connell, is my most favorite character.
Who is your biggest supporter?
By far, my girlfriend Sharon. There isn't even a close second. She is the reason that, for me, Happiness is possible.
Are you a member of a critique group? If no, who provides feedback on your work?
I am not a member of a critique group. I run my work first by Sharon, then my two closest friends, who love me too much to anything less than brutally honest.
Who is your favorite author?
Theodore Dreiser, who wrote An American Tragedy. Every word I needed to know for the high school SATs I learned from that one novel.
Do you have an agent or are you looking for one?
I do not have an agent. I wouldn't say I'm looking for one, but if one presented an opportunity that would benefit me, I would certainly agree to a sit down.
Was the road to publication smooth sailing or a bumpy ride?
It was a bumpy twenty-five years, then a smooth sailing six months.
If you knew then, what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?
Yes, I would have been much smarter twenty-five years ago.
Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
Amazon is the best place for readers to buy my novel.
Where can readers find out more?
My web site - http://www.paulhmagid.com/ - has the 1st two chapters for reading and/or downloading, as well as some great pictures of my research journeys to India and Montana.
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors everywhere?
The biggest difference between good writing and great writing usually hits around the 500th time you rewrite it -at least it was for me.
What is up next for you?
Once my novel is up and running on its own I turn to writing the companion book, which is part memoir/part self-help guide.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Just thank you very much for having me.
The blog tour's official site is:
Paul H. Magid Facebook:
Lifting the Wheel of Karma Facebook:
Tribute Books Blog Tours Facebook:
Lifting the Wheel of Karma blog tour site:
Price: $15.00
ISBN: 9780984016068
Pages: 192
Release: September 23, 2011
Amazon buy link
Barnes&Noble.com buy link
Price: $9.99
Kindle buy link
Book Summary: A Profound Spiritual Journey of Extraordinary Healing and Redemption
Joseph Connell is a gifted high school athlete from Montana, loved deeply by his family, yet tormented by nightmarish visions he can neither explain nor escape.
He believes the answer to what threatens to crush him can be found in the knowledge possessed by a mystical old wise man, who lives deep within the remote Himalayas of India.
If Joseph is ever to find the peace he so desperately seeks, he must get this wise old man to reveal what he truly knows, but that will not be easy…for this sage knows far more than he admits.
A modern tale that harkens back to the myths of antiquity. It takes you on a remarkable journey, while exploring the themes of healing, redemption, forgiveness, sacrifice, and ultimately...peace within.
Paul is giving away 3 paperback copies to lucky winners from my blog. Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.
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Cheryl, thanks for hosting Paul today and for asking him a great set of questions.
Paul, it's an admirable feat how you painstakingly crafted your book in order for it to withstand the test of time.
Good luck to all who enter the giveaway!
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you for having me as a guest on your site and for giving me an opportunity to connect with your readers.
I was going to also say thank you for asking such a great set of questions, but Nicole beat me to it.
Instead, I will say, thank you for asking questions that were so much fun to answer. :-)
Thank you also, Nicole, for the kudos on painstakingly crafting my novel. It was 25 years very well spent.
I'd also like to mention that readers can check out my new book trailer, and other videos related to my novel, on my YouTube Channel at:
Thanks again and I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
All the best,
Paul H. Magid
A book knows when it's time to finally be done and face the world!
Glad the book of your heart finally made it out!
Morgan Mandel
Thanks for the warm sentiment, Morgan. I wholeheartedly agree!
Thanks for stopping by everyone. It's always great to host wonderful authors here.
Looks like a good book I need to look into!
Like you Paul, I often do most of my creative work late at night (and early early morning.
What a great interview! This sounds like a great read and I would love a chance to win a copy!
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