Joining us today is Natasha Deen, author of What Happens in Vegas. When she was little, she wanted to be a superhero. She turned to writing as a way to sharpen her mental super-hero skills, and as a way to bide her time until she can hone her klutzy nature into a superpower.
Welcome to The Book Connection, Natasha. It's great to have you here. Let's get started by having you tell us where you grew up.
I like that you think I’m grown up. Snicker. My childhood was spent in Guyana (South America) and in Alberta, Canada (specifically, Calgary).
What is your fondest childhood memory?
My fondest memory isn’t a true memory, but the story told: when I was three, I had a favorite book. My father said he came into the living room and I was reading it, word for word. They thought I was a genius. A prodigy. Later, they realized I’d just memorized everything—including when to flip the page. Apparently, I wasn’t satisfied that they were reading the book often enough and I just had to hear (this is a line from the book): MEEEGAA-BOOM!!! DIS CANDY-FLOSS TASTES GOOD!!!
I wish I could find that book—I wish I could remember that memory, but I carry it with me always…it fits me so perfectly, that I would love a book with a made up word and adore a story whose raison d’etre was candy.
When did you begin writing?
In my last year of university, when I was starting to fantasize about doing terrible things to the people who decided textbooks should be $400. Terrible, horrible things, like filling their car vents with confetti or getting them subscriptions to magazines like “Paint Drying Digest.”
Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?
I write in the day, night, and any moment I can get. A book is nothing but a collection of pages, and the pages are nothing more than words. So, I put down the words as often as I can because eventually, I know it will grow into a book.
What is this book about?
It’s not that Binda Morningstar’s an idiot—the girl’s got more degrees than a thermometer—but there’s something about a crisis that makes her lose her mind…and accidently injure anyone within a ten foot radius. But if she’s going to rescue her boss from a cursed jewel, she’s going to have to keep it together. Unfortunately for her, the cop on the case, Corin Hawthorne, has her losing her mind and her heart…and if he gets anymore drool worthy, she’s going to lose her inhibitions, too. To save her boss and win her man, she’s got to outrun a mobster, outwit the YIFFS at a sex fetish convention, and outthink an ex-wife—and she’s got to do it all without breaking an arm or inadvertently hitting anyone with pepper spray…it’s all got Binda hoping that what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
What inspired you to write it?
I have in my mind a reader. They’ve had a crap day. Everything’s gone wrong and all they want to do is laugh. That person is my inspiration—to create a story that leaves you smiling and makes you feel better for having read it.
Who is your favorite character from the book?
Corin Hawthorne, the hero is super yummy, but I also love Binda Morningstar because she just tries so hard to do the right thing, and even when it all goes wrong, she just keeps trying.
Who is your biggest supporter?
My husband. He’s my cheerleader, chef, priest, and best friend, and I wouldn’t have gone into writing if not for him.
If you knew then, what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?
Stocked up on chocolate. I’m not kidding. This is a Dickens’ occupation: it’s the best of jobs, it’s the worst of jobs. It’s the job that will strengthen your heart, it’s the job that will break your heart…if I’d known all that, I would have bought way more chocolate…
Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
Amazon, The Wild Rose Press , as well as Barnes & Noble, Diesel.
Do you have a website and/or blog where readers can find out more?
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors everywhere?
Write. Easier said than done, but seriously, that book’s not going to finish itself. So write, write when it’s hard, when it’s easy, when you’re sure there’s no better job, and when you’re positive it was the worst decision of your life. Writing is about perseverance, so persist.
What is up next for you?
In September, I have an urban fantasy coming out called True Grime. For more information, head to my website.
Thanks for spending time with us today, Natasha. We wish you great success.
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ARC Review: Twice as Dead by Harry Turtledove
10 hours ago
Thank you so much for hosting me!
Great to have you Natasha.
Great interview, Cheryl and Natasha! Thanks for having Natasha on your blog, Cheryl!
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