I have been a fan of Dan Fogelberg's music for many years. No, I won't tell you how long because then you'll realize how darn old I really am and my kids already tell me that I'm old at least once a day.
While we usually stick just to books here, I figured since there are books of Fogelberg's songs I could squeak by with promoting this
Dan Fogelberg Retrospective CD.
When asked to participate in this virtual CD tour, I was asked what my favorite Dan Fogelberg song is. I immediately responded
Same Auld Lang Syne. My introduction to that song is a bit silly, but it reminds me of a time when as a child I was so in awe of my older sisters.
I am the youngest of three girls, and I grew up very shy and bashful. Hard to imagine for those who know me well, but it's true. My middle sister, Teresa, was always introduced as the beautiful one. All I had was brains and I wasn't too thrilled about that. Teresa was very popular in school, while I struggled along to make a friend or two.
I spent a lot of time in Teresa's presence, hoping maybe some of that popularity might rub off. One day, she and her best friend Barbara were upstairs singing for--if I remember right--some type of talent contest. The song they were singing was
Same Auld Lang Syne. She'll probably kill me if she ever reads this, but I'm pretty sure they were using hairbrushes for microphones.
The song became an immediate favorite for me and I can't help but sing it every time I hear it. And each time it floats through the airwaves into my home or car, I think of my sister singing away in her blue-carpeted bedroom and how a little girl wished to be just like her.
When Dan Fogelberg passed away after losing his battle with cancer in December 2007, he left behind a musical legacy that will always remain part of my life. And I am sure it is that way for many people who have heard
Same Auld Lang Syne,
Leader of the Band,
Run for the Roses, and the many other Fogelberg songs that we love.
Throughout the month Promo 101 Virtual Tours is presenting various information about the
Dan Fogelberg Retrospective CD which was created from an interview that Fred Migliore of FM Odyssey did with Dan Fogelberg. For more information about this CD and to order your copy, visit
http://fmodyssey.com/Store.html. This CD is a great gift for yourself and friends or loved ones who enjoy Dan Fogelberg's music.
To read reviews for the CD - visit http://danfogelbergcd.blogspot.com/2009/03/reviews-for-dan-fogelberg-retrospective.htmlTo visit various audio and video clips for Dan Fogelberg -- visit
http://danfogelbergcd.blogspot.com$3 from each sale goes to the Prostate Cancer Foundation in Dan's name. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! WIN a Special Bonus CD during the Dan Fogelberg Retrospective CD tour!There are about 45 minutes of "lost segments" from the CD which have never been &
WILL likely never be released to the public!
Each person that posts a comment during this tour will be entered in a drawing to win a free copy of this one-of-a-kind CD with the remainder of the interview!!!
The most unique, insightful, special comment will be chosen to win a copy, in addition to the random drawing winners!
I love your post :) Music is so powerful and isn't it amazing how we have so many memories that are connected to specific music? I know that if I'm feeling overwhelmed or down - I love to jump in the truck, turn up classic rock and let the wind blow through my hair as I roam the backroads of the beach :) Any one of those things helps but the combination of all 3 is GREAT :)
Nikki Leigh
Psst - Sorry I was in the wrong account - but you know who I am :)
Cheryl, what a wonderful post! (How am I ever going to follow this one?) I personally believe books and music go together--they both have the power to teach, uplift, relax, ...
LOL! Now I know your secret identity Nikki.
Thanks for stopping by Joyce. Glad you liked the post. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said about books and music being connected.
Actually Nikki is my "other" identity :) Dr Ava is a client and I'm setting up a bunch of stuff for her and I forgot to log out of her accounts before posting. But I wish I looked like her :)
Music does have the power to bring back memories, some good, some not that good. I'm glad this was a happy one for you.
I always wanted a sister, but it wasn't in the cards. I do have 3 great brothers.
Morgan Mandel
Your memories touched me... I am so glad you stepped out on a limb & shared them with us!
Thanks so much for hosting, too!
Kelly Kravitz
As I sat reading your post, I saw a sweet child peeking thru a door at her older sister, with dreams of developing in to that persona...we have something in common! My older sister was very outgoing and active in cheer, dance, drama class and so on. I too dreamt of becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar. Funny how music can take you back so many years, especially Dan's (at least for me!) All things considered, dear Cheryl...I'm glad that you are you and I am me :)
Thanks for sharing your memory!!
Theresa H.
I feel so privileged to have met such a legend! I knew at the time that I was making history but I never knew Dan had such a following till I released the interview. I feel so much more connected with my fans now. I am truly blessed!
A lifelong Dan Fogelberg fan is just now finding out about this interview. It would mean a lot to me and my family (some of whom knew and fished w/ Dan on the ranch) if we could find a copy of this somewhere.
Thank you.
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