Are you tired of hearing of all the crime on our streets lately? Does it make you weary to watch the news or read it online? Are you concerned about the direction America is headed but not quite sure how it got so bad in the first place?
If you answered, yes, to any or all of these questions, then Born Liberal, Raised Right should be the next book you purchase.
In this engaging and informative book, author Reb Bradley discusses how the future of America is threatened by adults "stuck in their 'terrible twos'". Based upon Bradley's personal experience as a pastor and counselor, in addition to a wealth of research, the author provides a sound argument that America's moral decline is the result of overindulgent parents not providing their children with the self-control they need to become successful members of society. Bradley contends that parents who overindulge their children, fix all their problems, and refuse to allow their children to experience the consequences of their actions, foster young people who become adults who feel entitled to have everything they want and cannot accept life's disappointments.
The author states that we are born with certain tendancies: a desire for self-gratification, lack of self-control, and subordination to our emotions. And it is these traits that parents must consistently help their children rein in if they are ever going to escape feelings of entitlement and the desire to always play the victim and avoid blame. Bradley also goes on to state that "magical thinking", unchecked emotion, and an inability to deny yourself anything are traits that are "the very hallmark of liberalism". Misplaced liberal compassion creates problems in America; it doesn't fix them.
Well thought out, easy to read, and captivating, Bradley has penned an excellent book that could make a difference in the future of America. Liberals will probably hate it and conservatives will tout his wisdom, but in the end Bradley is truly believeable as a man who wants to preserve the American family and inspire parents to bring up inspriring and motivational leaders who will move the country to new heights of moral greatness.
Title: Born Liberal, Raised Right
Author: Reb Bradley
Publisher: WND Books
ISBN-10: 1935071009
ISBN-13: 9781935071006
U.S. Price: $25.95
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