Friday, January 26, 2024

Audible Book Review: Nine-Figure Mindset by Brandon Dawson


Looking to take your business to the next level and beyond? Then Nine-Figure Mindset by entrepreneur and business icon Brandon Dawson should be on your "to read" list. 

Sharing his wealth of business experience, Dawson goes through how he built his business and now mentors others to assess their business, create efficiencies, and work smarter to create growth. Dawson shares his history in the first section. The second section is filled with steps on how you can apply his strategies to your own business, along with case studies from clients he and his team have mentored.

While I recommend Nine-Figure Mindset, I had challenges with the format and the narration. The audiobook comes in at just over six hours. Like stated above, the first section is all about Dawson, which I think is meant to cement for the reader that he is the perfect person to write this book for entrepreneurs. However, I felt it would have been a much more engaging read if Dawson's story unfolded chapter by chapter alongside sharing his strategies. Also, Dawson narrated this book. His manner of speaking is fast and furious. There weren't a lot of peaks and valleys, and chapters ended abruptly. A professional narrator would have provided a smoother, cleaner read. None of this takes away from the validity of the content or the great advice contained in Nine-Figure Mindset, but it didn't work for me as a reader. 

Take Dawson's advice and use it to help you grow your business. The afterword is a great summation of what to do and not do, and you will quickly understand why Dawson has been so successful. 

Listening Length6 hours and 8 minutes
AuthorBrandon Dawson
NarratorBrandon Dawson Release DateNovember 03, 2023
PublisherCardone Ventures
Program TypeAudiobook
I purchased this book from Audible with a credit. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

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