Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Seeking Reader Input: Would You Like to See Alternative Content?


I have a question that hopefully regular readers of this blog will answer. Would you be okay with occasionally viewing content that doesn't relate to books, writing, and publishing at The Book Connection? Right now, Mondays are the only day I talk more about my daily life. Other than that, it is books, books, and more books. And, there is nothing wrong with that. The objective of a book blog is to share our love of reading. 

However, there are days I want to talk about other topics not related to books, shows based upon books, or what I am reading. Honestly can't say how much alternative content would be posted, but it's important that my loyal readers have a say in what appears here. Keep in mind, I'm not talking controversial content. 

Please share your thoughts in the comments or email me at ccmal(at)charter(dot)net. Thanks!


Laurs said...

I like the idea of movies or plays based on books. It stays with your focus of book but gives you another lens to look at .

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Laurs. I was also thinking about life as a mom in transition--going from fulltime mom to the mom of three adult kids. Maybe a bit about real estate, but probably not much of that because this blog is a form of entertainment to get away from the work life.

Vivian Zabel said...

All advice I've heard and read states let people know you through your blog. Sounds like a good idea to occasionally or purposefully post about things other than books -- let people know.more about you.

Lark said...

Any alternative content you wanted to post would be fun. I'm good with just books, books, books, too. :D

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Vivian. That's what I am going for. It's why I had my busy mom blog for a while. I never intended to make money off of it, but I feel there is value in shared experiences.

Thanks, Lark. I appreciate your input. We have always been books, books, and books here, so it's good to know that readers can be open to other possibilities.

Greg said...

I love different content. The neat thing about book blogging is often it's fun to see whatthe blogger thinks about movies, or lifestyle stuff, or just whatever. I'm all for it!

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Greg. Sorry for the slow response. Your comment got hung up in the moderation queue.