Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Audible Book Review: Shut Up and Write the Book by Jenna Moreci

If you are looking for no-nonsense, kick yourself in the pants advice and tips on how to write your first or next book, then pick up a copy of Shut Up and Write the Book by Jenna Moreci.

The author set this up in a step-by-step format, taking the reader from the planning stages through to the final editing stage, so that at the end the reader has the tools they need to, well, "shut up and write the book" they so desperately want to write. Each chapter ends with a helpful summary. 

As you might recall, I began writing as a teenager, took it seriously in 2005 once I became a stay-at-home mom, and could call myself a published author as of 2010. You might also remember that I am a total panster. I think about my idea, have it fully formed in my head, and then I write. No plan. No outline. Just the blank white page and my fingers on the keyboard. Shut Up and Write the Book might have changed me. Gasp! 

After spending six hours or so with Moreci, I am ready to consider life as a plotter. I loved how Moreci laid out her book. Found her advice spot on and motivating. Best of all, I loved her sarcasm and wit. Now, readers with gentle ears or those who might easily get offended by vulgarity or obscenities, might not find this to be the most helpful tool. It doesn't change the validity of the book's contents. 

Narrators make or break an audio book for me, so extra kudos to Lisa Cordileone for her fabulous ability to capture the author's style so well. 

Excellent resource. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to complete their first or next book. 

Listening Length6 hours and 8 minutes
AuthorJenna Moreci
NarratorLisa Cordileone
Whispersync for VoiceReady Release DateJanuary 24, 2023
PublisherJenna Moreci
Program TypeAudiobook
I used an Audible credit to purchase this book. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

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