Karen Slimick Arnpriester is a creative, passionate and adventuresome woman. She raised her two children, adores her seven grandchildren and is now a foster mom of two young ladies. She has been a self-taught graphic designer for twenty five years and started her own business twenty years ago. Her faith in God is strong and she believes that we are Christ’s hands, feet, arms and wallet. This translates into her involvement in youth ministries, local women’s shelter, street ministry, the elderly, as well as many other outreaches over the years. Her home has been available to single moms and their children, allowing them to get a fresh start.
ANESSIA’S QUEST is her first novel. The desire to write began two years ago as a hobby. She had an idea for a beginning and the end. The rest of the story flowed and took Karen on a journey. She cried and laughed as she followed the twists and turns of the characters. Once friends read the book, she was strongly encouraged to share her story with others.
RAIDER’S VENDETTA is Karen’s second novel. It will be released in October 2011. It is a psychological thriller between the main characters,Charley and Raider. Charley’s faith and ability to survive is challenged by the rage of a shattered man.
Her third book, which addresses bullying, is in the works and should be released in 2012. The tentative title is HEY! LEADBOTTOM!
This author wants to take her reader to a place where they can evaluate their beliefs and who God is in their life. When asked why she limits herself to Christian fiction, she simply explains that it is where her heart is. If she commits her precious time to writing, it needs to be of value and have God’s ultimate purpose in mind. Bringing his children home to him. Karen welcomes God’s influence in her writing and prays that she is fulfilling His destiny for her life.
Connect With Karen at: http://karenskoncepts.com/
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Alton, Illinois. We moved a lot, and I lived in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania until we moved to California. I was eight. Once in California, we lived all over central California.
When did you begin writing?
I always made up stories for my kids and considered writing children’s books, but life got in the way. Our church put together a testimonial book as a fund-raiser for our women’s ministry events several years ago. Once published, quite a few people asked if I ever considered writing a book. They really enjoyed my contributions. It planted a seed that grew into a possibility. I started writing Anessia’s Quest on a whim, to see if I could. Friends were so encouraging and insisted that it was good and I should take it seriously.
Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?
I own my own business and have two new daughters through foster care. Writing is a passion, but it has to be when I can fit it in. I tend to write late at night, but I can’t do that on a regular basis without everything else suffering.
What is this book about?
The book is about the life of a young girl into adulthood. We celebrate the journey and her choices that change a heartbreaking situation into a glorious life of love, truth, compassion and joy.
Pagne finds the love of God and the support of her Heavenly Angel to get her through life’s emotional roller coaster. An angel that protects, leads and assures Pagne that she is not alone by using an unusual method of communication.
Pagne shares healing, tears and laughter with a group of broken people that become her family. She discovers the purpose of her life and the revelation of God’s destiny for her. Pagne will eventually understand the powerful ripple she created as she lived her life. She was not an accident; she was placed on Earth with divine intent.
What inspired you to write it?
I always had a WHAT IF question. This gave me the beginning and the end. The rest of the book was a journey that led me on an emotional discovery of the story and characters. I truly felt God’s lead, and I would find myself crying or laughing while typing. Once the book was done, I reread and was in awe that I had written it.
Who is your favorite character from the book?
My favorite character is Pagne (pronounced Pain). She represents that person who survives life with grace. Most of us survive, but create havoc while doing so. Pagne brings love and forgiveness into extreme situations that touch the other characters profoundly. I aspire to be like her.
Are you a member of a critique group? If no, who provides feedback on your work?
No, but I have a small group of friends that love me enough to be honest. They are all avid readers and creative spirits. They comment on flow, story believability and if I have accomplished my goal.
Do you have an agent or are you looking for one?
I have a wonderful agent and she is helping me through the process of becoming a published author. I am like so many people who have a very full life, but have a story to tell. It is difficult to know what is productive and what isn’t when trying to promote your book and secure a publisher. Mary has been a real blessing and she keeps me from wasting a lot of time and money.
Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
My book is available at anessiasquest.com. This is my own site and books are autographed. You can also purchase my book at createspace.com, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Do you have a video trailer to promote your book? If yes, where can readers find it.
Yes, on my site anessiasquest.com. There is a trailer, reviews and the first three chapters for download. The trailer is also available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUKRE_B9YFo
What is up next for you?
My second book, Raider’s Vendetta, is in the editing phase and will be available soon. It is a psychological thriller. A trailer is available at raidersvendetta.com. This was a wonderful experience. I was able to think like a devious criminal and a strong Christian evaluating her faith.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Thank you for presenting my book and myself on your site. I am very excited about the book tour. I hope your readers will check out Anessia’s Quest. I believe my story has something to offer every person who has dealt with difficulties in their life. The message of love and forgiveness is powerful and are incredible tools for healing.
The Next Stop:
November 23-Spotlight/Interview@Double Crossing
12 hours ago
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