I decided to check out Prescott Publishing when I saw this review of Love Your Husband Love Yourself by Jennifer Flanders over at Confessions of an Overworked Mom. As a Christian, it is important for me to receive advice that is Biblically sound. When I visited Prescott's website, I also discovered How to Encourage Your Husband
This slim book (132 pages) is filled with advice from subscribers of Above Rubies. Campbell also includes some wise words of her own. Some of the advice I couldn't see me following through on. If I started placing love notes in my husband's lunch bag, he would call the paddy wagon to haul me away. He's not into that kind of thing at all.
What I also discovered, however, are many great insights into how to make my husband feel respected and loved. From making a point to tell him how much I appreciate that he goes to work, so that I can stay home with the kids, to making sure the house is peaceful and a place he wishes to come home to, these little things go a long way.
These women share their thoughts on the importance of making sure to take a few minutes to pick up the house before your husband arrives home from work, being sure to look nice when he comes in the door, and how vital it is to nourish your relationship and intimacy. Yes, there are passages about wives submitting to their husbands and creating an atmosphere where the husband is clearly the head of household, which may or may not be well accepted, but How to Encourage Your Husband stays true to the Word of God in those respects.
The final chapter compiles some popular answers from a survey Campbell conducted asking what qualities husbands honored in their wives. I found this to be especially important, because it shows the results of what encouraging your husband can do. It also provides insight into how important it is to men when their wives embrace all God created them to be.
How to Encourage Your Husband can help you revitalize your marriage and make it all God desires for both of you!
Title: How to Encourage Your Husband
Compiled by: Nancy Campbell
Publisher: Prescott Publishing
ISBN-10: 0982626940
ISBN-13: 978-0982626948
SRP: $11.95
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