Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Three Dimensions of Character by Larry Brooks -- Book Review

I don't read a lot of writing craft books. Shame on me, I know; but when I received an email about The Three Dimensions of Character: Going Deep and Wide to Create Compelling Heroes and Villians by Larry Brooks of, I was intrigued enough to ask the author if I could review a copy.

Falling somewhere in between a panster and an outliner--I write character sketches, interview my characters, and let a story idea stew (sometimes for a year) so that I have a general idea of the direction to go--I want to make my characters real to my readers. No one wants to read about flat, one dimensional characters.

In this 85-page eBook on the three dimensions of character, Brooks shares the "essence of story" versus the "essence of character", discusses in great depth the three dimensions of character, explains what he means with real world examples, and provides the reader with an excellent checklist to help create great characters.

Brooks does all this with a conversational style that informs, but does not talk down to, the reader. Brooks is direct, yet funny, knowledgable and pleasant, as he shares his wealth of experience. From "True Character vs. Quirks" to "The Healing Power--and Driving Force--of Revenge", from "Crafting Backstory" to "Interior vs. Exterior Conflict", and from "The Six Core Competencies of Successful Storytelling" to "The Seven Variables that Communicate Characters", this book will provide you with the tools you need to understand characterization.

The Three Dimensions of Character by Larry Brooks is a must read for anyone seeking to demystify characterization and improve their writing.

Title: The Three Dimensions of Character: Going Deep and Wide to Create Compelling Heroes and Villians
Author: Larry Brooks
SRP: $14.95

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