And although choosing only 10 favorites of 2009 is going to be very tough, here's the list from Number 10 to Number 1. I'll post a separate list at The Children's and Teen's Book Connection for my favorites in kid's books.
Feel free to share some of your favorites too!

The Book Connection's Top 10 Favorite Books of 2009
10. The Dead Guy by Doug Hewitt
9. Killer Career by Morgan Mandel

8. Dispel the Mist by Marilyn Meredith
7. Hearts of Courage by John Tippets
6. Beyond the Code of Conduct by K.M. Daughters
5. Meggie's Remains by Joanne Sundell

4. Saffron Dreams by Shaila Abdullah
3. One Holy Night by J.M. Hochstetler
2. The Lost Hours by Karen White
1. My Son, John by Kathi Macias
Besides these great books, I have to say I really enjoyed Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper. I'm a sucker for pet memoirs.
Great job - sounds like a lot of interesting books. I know picking ten is difficult but sounds like you have had a great year. Will look into some of these books later in the year to read since I'm so behind on my own reviews and all - E :)
Hey, Cheryl. Good to see Saffron Dreams is in the list. I am glad you enjoyed it.
Shaila Abdullah
Saffron Dreams/Beyond the Cayenne Wall
Cheryl, I am so honored to see My Son, John on your list! Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing this list. I'm giving away My Son, John on my blog this week. I can't wait to read that book.
Cheryl, thank you so much for including One Holy Night! I'm honored to see it on your list as well as Kathi's My Son, John. I must say I'm going to have to make room on my TBR pile for several of the other books on the list. Looks like some great reading!
Thanks for including Dispel the Mist on your list!
We are so happy that Beyond The Code Of Conduct is included on your list. Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for including Killer Career on your top 10 list!
You made my day!!
Morgan Mandel
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