Linda's latest release, Elena, Woman of Courage is now available for purchase at Publisher Direct.
To celebrate this new release, the last book in her Family Saga in Bear Lake, Idaho series, Linda is holding a giveaway at her blog. Melinda and the Wild West is the first book in this series and you'll be entering to win a free copy. This book was a Semi-finalist for the Reviewers Choice Award 2007.

In 1896 Melinda Gamble—a very elegant, very naïve young woman from Boston—decides to give up her life of monotonous comfort for the turbulent uncertainty of the still untamed Wild West. Driven by her intense desire to make a difference in the world, Melinda takes a job as a schoolteacher in the small town of Paris, Idaho, where she comes face-to-face with a frightening bank robber, a vicious grizzly bear, and an intense blizzard that leaves her clinging to her life. But it is a ruggedly handsome and very mysterious stranger who challenges Melinda with the one thing for which she was least prepared—love.
To enter the Melinda and the Wild West book giveaway, visit the blog of Linda Weaver Clarke at http://lindaweaverclarke.blogspot.com/2009/09/free-book-give-away.html
For more information about Linda and her books, you can visit her online at www.lindaweaverclarke.com.
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