After reading You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, but You Can't Make Him Think, I now understand why modern-day atheists go after Ray Comfort and his Way of the Master ministry so fervently. With humility, and all the while acknowledging he is also a sinner, Comfort reaches out to atheists and explains the lack of common sense he sees behind their views. And admittedly, Comfort is trying to get under their skin in order to force them to think.
You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, but You Can't Make Him Think is a compilation of questions and answers from Comfort's Atheist Central blog, along with additional comments from the author. The book also includes quotes from Professor Stephen Hawking, author C. S. Lewis, Sir Issac Newton, and several Biblical quotations.
Tackling such issues as: Creation Must Have a Creator, The Promise of Heaven and Eternal Life and What Sets Christianity and Christians Apart, the author uses Biblical evidence and the lack of reliable evidence proving the theory of evolution, to engage the reader in a thought-provoking journey that leads to only one conclusion--God exists and He wants to have a relationship with you.
Some of Comfort's arguments are redundant; but I believe that has more to do with the similiar questions posed to him by the readers of his blog, than because the author uses a script to engage atheists in conversation.
What this book truly hits home for the objective reader is that atheists often miss the mark on what Comfort is trying to say to them. He is concerned for their souls. Knowing God and what it is like to be in a relationship with Him, and also knowing about the gift of Eternal Life and the existence of hell, the author is trying to get atheists to understand that being a Christian isn't about holding a different set of beliefs. It's about knowing God and being in a relationship with Him. While Comfort chooses to do this in a humorous and at times mildly sarcastic way, that does not negate his evidence.
If you are a Christian looking for ways to discuss the message of Salvation with non-believers or if you are skeptical about the existence of God and that Jesus Christ died for your sins, you need to read Ray Comfort's You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, but You Can't Make Him Think.
Title: You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, but You Can't Make Him Think
Author: Ray Comfort
Publisher: WND Books
ISBN: 978-1-935071-06-8
SRP: $22.95 (U.S.)
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