Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere with Pump Up Your Book Promotion to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects.

Cherie Burbach, author of the Internet dating book,
Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering a Pizza (Bonjour Publishing), will be stopping off at
A Book Blogger's Diary! If you’ve tried online dating and given up, or even if you thought the Internet wasn’t right for you, this book will give you the courage to try again, this time armed with specific illustrations on what really works - from the profile through the dating stage. Don’t waste another minute wondering why some people seem to have Internet dating success while you’re still waiting for a response to your online ad. Through dozens of concrete examples, dating expert Cherie Burbach will show you how to write an eye-catching profile, search for, and meet the right person online. You can visit her website at

Sheri Kaye Hoff, author of the inspirational nonfiction book,
Keys to Living Joyfully (Createspace), will be stopping off at
Scribe Vibe!
Keys to Living Joyfully is an inspirational book on experiencing joy, peace, passion, and energy in daily life. It is designed to demonstrate the powerful roles of thoughts, action, and faith. You can visit her website at

Alan Kennedy-Shaffer, author of the political nonfiction book,
The Obama Revolution (Phoenix Books) will be stopping off at
Marta's Meanderings and
In Bed With Books! The first book to be written by a campaign staffer and offering rare insider glimpses,
The Obama Revolution explores how a generation of believers and the politics of hope won the presidency for Barack Obama and changed the world. You can visit Alan online at

Balthazar Rodrigue Nzomono-Balenda, author of
The Depth of My Soul (I-Proclaim), will be stopping off at
Between the Covers!
The Depth of My Soul is a book or poetry that focuses on injustices such as wars, corruption, war crimes, religious fundamentalism, child abuse, and other types of abuse. The goal of this book is to share his approach with his readers about the problems we face in this world. You can visit Balthazar’s website at

Patti B. Ogden, author of the Christian children’s picture book,
Keoni’s Big Question (Capstone Productions) will be stopping off at
Pop Syndicate! A boy who seeks answers about God’s presence in everyday life, finds his friend held the key to his revelation all along. This gripping tale follows a pair of dear friends on a fishing trip that turns dangerous, then miraculous, and leaves Keoni with more answers then he ever dreamed possible! Every child wonders why we can’t see God. Keoni’s Big Question makes the answer easy to understand. You can visit Patti online at

Richard E. Roach, author of the suspense mystery novel,
Scattered Leaves (Multi-Media), will be stopping off at
Peeking Between the Pages! When Ben McCord comes home from a business trip to find his young wife raped and murdered, he starts out on a journey of death and destruction. Clues lead him to a dark world of drugs and violence in action that spans Texas, Colorado, and the Mexican border. McCord hooks up with a beautiful doctor, who was also victimized by members of the same drug cartel, and together they track down the killers, surviving bloody confrontations, and ending with a suspenseful climax in the Big Thicket of Texas. You can visit Richard online at

T.E. Scott and Stephen Edds, co-authors of the business/personal finance book,
The Losing Game: Why You Can’t Beat Wall Street (Hidden Truth Publishing), will be visiting
Books and Authors! T.E. Scott exposes the stock market and commodity markets for what they really are — brilliantly marketed rip-offs.
The Losing Game simplifies a very complex system that Wall Street has designed to separate the masses from their money without accountability or prosecution. As a result of this design, they have tricked us into believing that the stock market and commodity markets are something they are not. You can visit them online at

Robin Maderich, author of the historical romance novel,
Faith and Honor (Blue Shutter Books) will be stopping off at
Girls Just Reading! Rescued from the harrassment of British officers in Colonial Boston by handsome, secretive Fletcher Irons, Faith Ashley’s slumbering passions are ignited, until the discovery that Fletcher himself is an officer of the army she has come to despise, a man who is the enemy. Yet with persistence, Fletcher wins the fiery Faith’s love. When the colonies erupt in Revolution, Faith refuses to choose between her loyalty to the cause and her love for the man who is far more than the color of his uniform. Will her honor be her undoing? You can visit Robin online at

Donna Lee Schillinger, author of the nonfiction Christian Living book,
On My Own Now: Straight Talk from the Proverbs for Young Christian Women Who Want to Remain Pure, Debt-free and Regret-free (Quilldriver), will be stopping off at
Paperback Writer!
On My Own Now is about strengthening young women’s faith and preventing the screw-ups that can brand us for life. Donna Lee Schillinger draws on her eclectic past as a rebellious youth, Peace Corps volunteer, social worker, single mother, court mediator and executive director of a home for single young mothers. You can visit Donna online at

Lloyd Watts, author of the self-help/personal finance book,
The Flow of Time and Money: How to Create a Full and Prosperous Life (Megawatt Media Corporation), will be stopping off at
Noobpreneur is a groundbreaking new book that will help you master the relationship between your time and money. Using simple, proven techniques and easy-to-understand diagrams, Dr. Lloyd Watts shows you how to take control of your income, expenses and time commitments in order to achieve wealth and personal fulfillment. You can visit Lloyd online at

Karen White, author of the contemporary fiction novel,
The Lost Hours (NAL Accent), will be stopping off at
Diary of an Eccentric,
Jenn's Bookshelf,
Books and Needlepoint and
Cheryl's Book Nook! Now a near fatal riding accident has shattered Piper’s dreams of Olympic glory. After her grandfather’s death, she inherits the house and all its secrets, including a key to a room that doesn’t exist—or does it? And after her grandmother is sent away to a nursing home, she remembers the box buried in the backyard. In it are torn pages from a scrapbook, a charm necklace—and a newspaper article from 1929 about the body of an infant found floating in the Savannah River. The necklace’s charms tell the story of three friends during the 1920s— each charm added during the three months each friend had the necklace and recorded her life in the scrapbook. Piper always dismissed her grandmother as not having had a story to tell. And now, too late, Piper finds she might have been wrong. You can visit Karen online at

J.A. Hunsinger, author of the historical fiction novel,
Axe of Iron: The Settlers, will be stopping off at
The Book Stacks! The first novel of a continuing character-driven tale of a medieval people whose wanderlust and yearning for adventure cause them to leave the two established settlements on Greenland and sail west, to the unexplored land later referred to as Vinland. You can visit his website at
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