Here's our first award. I am so excited!
Betty Jo Tucker from Movie Addicts Headquarters was kind enough to bestow this honor upon us.
Premio Dardos means ‘prize darts’ in Italian and it is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. The rules are:
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person who has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2) Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.
And now, I pass this honor along to:
Dorothy Thompson - Boomer Chick
Rebecca Camarena - The Real Hollywood
Tracee Gleichner - Zensanity
JM - Fiction Scribe
Mayra Calvani - Mayra's Secret Bookcase
Marta Stephens - Sam Harper
Ann Parker - The Silver Rush Mysteries
Marilyn Meredith - Marilyn's Musings
Linda Thieman - The Katie & Kimble Blog
Angela Wilson - Market My Novel
Dianne Sagan - Life as a Ghost(Writer)
Elysabeth Eldering - Elysabeth's Emerald City
Karina Fabian - Fabianspace
Heidi Hess Saxton - Mommy Monsters
Kim Smith - Writing Space
I must decline as I've received this award before - not sure I posted it but I got it from Vivian - thanks for thinking of me though - E :)
Wow, thank you, Cheryl! About time I won an award! Greatly appreciated...;o)
Oh! I am too thrilled! Thank you so much for such a wonderful way to start off Friday!
Thanks, Cheryl! You made my day!
Heidi Saxton
Extraordinary Moms Network
Thank you, Cheryl! I'll do my best to pass along this honor.
Linda Thieman
Katie & Kimble: A Ghost Story
Katie & Kimble: The Magic Wish
Thank you so much, Cheryl! What a lovely award!
I'm way behind on blogging things, but catching up s-l-o-w-l-y. :-)
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