This year at The Book Connection I read close to one hundred titles in a variety of genres. Here is a list of some of my favorites from this year:
* Shades of Gray: A Novel of the Civil War in Virginia by Jessica James**
* The House on Tradd Street by Karen White
* The Santa Letters by Stacy Gooch-Anderson
* Ten Thousand Charms by Allison Pittman
* The Devil Can Wait by Marta Stephens
* The Ultimate Passage by Jean Hackensmith and Kathe Birch
* Mistress of the Revolution by Catherine Delores
* The Lost Diary of Don Juan by Douglas Carlton Abrams
* Season of Sacrifice by Tristi Pinkston
* Up the Devil's Belly by Rhett DeVane
* Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World by Kathi Macias
* Don't Know Much About Anything Else by Kenneth C. Davis
* CULLOTTA: The Life of a Chicago Criminal, Las Vegas Mobster and Government Witness by Dennis Griffin
* Born Liberal Raised Right by Reb Bradley
* The Fine Print of Self-Publishing, Third Edition by Mark Levine
* The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing by Mayra Calvani and Anne K. Edwards
* The Well-Fed Self-Publisher by Peter Bowerman
* The Dancer Returns by Susan Lee Titus
* The Dog Walked Down the Street by Sal Glynn
* The Sky's Not Falling: Why It's Ok to Chill About Global Warming by Professor Holly Fretwell (children's nonfiction)
Children's fiction
* The Rabbit and the Snowman by Sally O. Lee
* The State of Wilderness by Elysabeth Eldering
* Zooprise Party by Rebekah Delgado
* Rainbow Sheep by Kim Chatel
* Scarecrow Finds A Friend by Blume J. Rifken
* Sam's Quest Book 2: The Royal Trident by Ben Furman
* The Tutu Ballet by Sally O. Lee
* The Giant Leaf by Davy Liu
* You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? by Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
* The Truth (I'm a girl, I'm Smart and I Know Everything!) by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
These books are available at Amazon.com.
** My favorite book across all genres for 2008!
Wow Cheryl you read a lot of great books this year! I should post my list too.
Neat post, Cheryl! I ought to try doing this on my blog. I'm sure the authors will be delighted to find their names and books in your blog post today!
Thank you!! :)
Thank you, Cheryl, for choosing Shades of Gray as your favorite book of the year and helping spread the word about it! Happy New Year to you and all your readers!
You're welcome Marta and Jessica. Both honors are definitely well deserved.
Wow!! I enjoy reading books... Thanks for sharing your favorite books!!
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