Monday, September 29, 2008

Author Spotlight: Anna Maria Prezio and Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster

Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster by Anna Maria Prezio. Written with thoughtfulness, clarity and immense compassion for both the ghost or entity and those being haunted, "Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster" will intrigue, delight and capture you as you journey with Anna Maria Prezio, Feng Shui Consultant and Metaphysician, through her knowledge and experiences with the ghostly realm.

Ms. Prezio is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Intuitive, and has studied with a multitude of Feng Shui masters and metaphysical gurus. She has devoted herself to helping others achieve optimum positive environmental energies, and has done this through hundreds of Feng Shui audits, readings and consultations on a local, national and international level. She teaches, lectures and writes on Feng Shui and metaphysical subjects.

Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster is the result of a life-long journey that begins in a tiny village in Italy and has yet to truly end. To help you understand this journey -- and benefit from the lessons learned along the way -- the book is divided into three parts.

Part I will capture your attention with a ghostly first experience of an intuitive and vulnerable 6 year-old child. The culture and experiences of the author growing up in a rural and mystical village in Italy where ghostly occurrences and stories were part of every day life serve to set the stage for what would be a life long study of the mystical and the Divine.

Part II describes Feng Shui, like medicine, as both an art and a science. Here, the definitions and different sects of Feng Shui are discussed to provide a backdrop for the connection between environmental balance and the appearance of ghosts. You will learn how mastery of Feng Shui helps us to understand the occult, or hidden knowledge, as it applies to all aspects of our life here on earth.

With the formation of a solid foundation and understanding of this art and science, Part III delves deeper into the correlation between environment and entities with ideas, cures and stories about ghost-busting as a result the author’s direct and extraordinary experience.

This book -- part memoir, part guide -- promises to intrigue you from cover to cover. However, the price of admission to this world is an open mind. In return, you will not only better understand yourself, but the metaphysical world in which you live.

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