Sunday, January 7, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday - Jan 8

Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday.   


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.   

Releasing this post early because tomorrow is a busy day. Hope you had a nice week. Here are a few photos from last week. The first one is me visiting our local library as the executive director and program director from Rick's Place hang artwork from our November art show in the display cases.

Therese and Betsy hanging art 
at the local library

Dwight loves my husband's sweaty 
gym bag (yuck)

Tiny bit of snow this week before the storm

We are currently in North Carolina moving the youngest into her on-campus apartment for the second semester. Missed our first major snow storm of the winter that hit Saturday night into Sunday, which dumped a foot or more of snow in some areas. The Lil' Princess was disappointed she didn't see the pretty white stuff while she was home. We probably won't see her again until spring break, which makes us sad, but we will go down in April for the dance show, and then a couple weeks into May she will be done for the semester and can head home until August. 

In my reading world, I read the following books this week:

See my review at Christmas Year Round here.

Check out my review at TC&TBC here.

I am reading this book:

I finished this one at the end of 2023, so my January 17th review will be on time. It is already posted on Goodreads if you want to read the review earlier. 

I brought this one with me to North Carolina to read on the plane. 

Next up are these two:

Upcoming virtual book tours:
  • A Yellow House in the Mountains by Glenn Hileman - January 17 (review)
  • Civil Twilight by Anique Taylor - January 23 (guest post)
  • The Location Shoot by Patricia Leavy - January 31 (interview)  

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Charlotte Hubbard's latest Promise Lodge novel is coming out in February. I downloaded this from NetGalley.

When I stopped by the library this week, I grabbed a local history book. We have numerous farms and historical homes in town, and I enjoy the research. 

That's it for me. Hope you have a great week!


Kathryn T said...

I guess you were happy to miss the snow but I bet there will be more for you. Always sad to say good-bye after seeing off a family member, but sounds like you have a couple of trips planned.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Great photos and books. Enjoy the week and the New Year.

Marg said...

Oh, I am going to have to look for that Christmas Movie Cookbook!

Have a great week. Hope your daughter settles into college nicely.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thrilled to miss the snow, Kathy. Well, love the snow, just not the clean up.

Thanks, Laurel.

Thanks, Marg. Move in went well. Today is unpacking. Hopefully, we can make it back to MA tomorrow. Next storm is on the way.

Thanks for visiting, everyone.

Kathy Martin said...

We've finally gotten a bit of snow but no snowstorms. Glad your trip to get your daughter settled went well. Nice looking assortment of books too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Cindy said...

Nice line up of books! We are in OH, and we've not had much snow this year, but I am sure it is coming.

Yvonne said...

Great photos! Your books look good. Enjoy them and have a great week!

Literary Feline said...

Love that photo of Dwight in the gym bag. Too cute! I hope you make it home safely from North Carolina. It looks like your reading year has gotten off to a good start! Enjoy your new books and have a great week, Cheryl!

Greg said...

Aww cute pic! what is it with cats and bags? :)

Love's enduring Promise- that cover reminded me of the Little House covers :)

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

I love the photos! Good luck to the youngest. I hope she has a successful semester.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

I was glad to miss the storm, Kathy, but I think we are due for more snow next week.

Cindy, I hope you don't get hit too hard when it snows.

Thanks, Yvonne.

Thanks, Literary Feline. It's a direct flight, so if it's not safe, I think we will end up staying in Wilmington an extra day.

I don't know, Greg, but he loves that stinky bag.

Thanks, Aj.

Appreciate all of you taking time to visit today. Hope you enjoy your week.

Martha Eskuchen said...

Nice pictures. You are reaching back in time for Love's Enduring Promise. I hope you enjoy it.
Stay warm and Happy Reading!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

We're getting snow today and I've heard there will be more in a few days. Pretty to look at but makes driving difficult. Enjoy your reading this week!

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

I hope your journey home from NC isn’t delayed by the snow.

Wishing you a wonderful reading week

Elizabeth said...

The library is the best place to hang out. :)

Enjoy your week and your books.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

The Christmas Movie Cookbook looks like fun!

Sending good wishes for a great semester to your daughter.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Martha. You can tell when you read Love's Enduring Promise that it came out decades ago.

Mary, I feel the same way about snow. Came home to quiet a wet mess, but it will melt soon enough.

Thanks, Shelleyrae. We got home on time.

I agree, Elizabeth.

It really is a great book, Deb. Hope you check it out.

Thanks for visiting on Monday, everyone!