Saturday, September 23, 2023

Audible Book Review: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy is an engaging and helpful guide that shows you how small, smart choices, repeated over time, will help you make changes in all facets of your life. Whether you are looking to lose weight, excel in your career, or find that work-life balance, Hardy outlines a plan for you to move forward. 

An entrepreneur by the age of 18, Hardy is the former publisher of SUCCESS magazine. He credits his father's philosophy and encouragement for helping him to succeed from an early age. Hardy shares that philosophy, how he used it to propel him forward in life and business, and shows how you can do so as well. Since he narrates this Audible version, the reader gets to hear from the master how to make it happen.

This was a free choice on Audible that I downloaded to listen to on the drive to appointments. I'm so glad I grabbed it. The Compound Effect is well thought out in its delivery, provides actionable steps, and makes the reader think about how they approach their personal and professional life. Hardy talks about the danger of setting unrealistic goals, sharing examples to prove his point. He encourages the reader to think about who they surround themselves with and how someone else's negativity can impede your progress. Make no mistake; this is not a do a few things and your life will be transformed kind of book. The Compound Effect is a life-long commitment. 

If you're looking for a book to help guide you along your path, The Compound Effect is an excellent choice.

Listening Length4 hours and 44 minutes
AuthorDarren Hardy
NarratorDarren Hardy Release DateJanuary 22, 2019
PublisherFolio Literary Management
Program TypeAudiobook
This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

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