Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Romantic Comedies With Over 1,000 Reviews That I've Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday! It's a snowy one here. I expected a love freebie this week for Top Ten Tuesday, so I was prepared early. Gasp! Try not to be too shocked. Keeping in mind I'm not overly creative, this week I will share some romantic comedies I've never read, despite their popularity. It's possible I'll give them a chance in the future, but they haven't made it into my TBR Pile yet.

Top Ten Romantic Comedies With 
Over 1,000 Reviews That I've Never Read

I should get a pass with this one because it just came out at the end of last year. Little known secret: I used to be a hockey mom and, through I rarely read them, I love sports romances. I will probably read this at some point.

This fresh take on When Harry Met Sally probably won't ever hit the TBR Pile. I haven't even seen When Harry Met Sally, but I know the plot. This book is a called a steamy enemies to lovers romance, which doesn't entice me at all.

This is one that might weave it's way into the TBR Pile. The like the twist on this trope with the female lead character as the bodyguard. Hannah Brooks is protecting Hollywood heartthrob Jack Stapleton from a stalker. When Jack needs to go home because of a family emergency, they pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend so nobody knows about his stalker. 

This will probably put me in some minority of readers, but misunderstood rich boy romances aren't my favorite; well unless they are rakes. In this novel, Henry Locke's mom wills her fortune to her dog, Smuckers. Vicky, who had agreed to take care of Smuckers after his owner dies, had no idea the pooch would inherit the woman's estate, which puts Henry and Vicky immediately at odds. We've also already discussed my dislike of enemies turned lovers stories. 

I recall wanting to read this book when it came out. I'm going to guess I skipped over how the male lead is kind of a jerk. It seems like fake romance is more of this book than enemies to lovers, so I might still give it a shot. 

This fake relationship romantic comedy involves being snowed in around Christmas. That means it is bound to make it into my TBR Pile at some point. I'm pretty sure I could simply read holiday romances for the rest of my life and be totally happy with that. 

August is a cynical young adult who has decided she is better off living alone. That is until she meets Jane on the subway. Then August discovers Jane doesn't just look like a an old school punk rocker, she's displaced from the 1970s. Time travel romance is something I enjoy, so this one could end up in my TBR Pile. 

This one is destined to join the other books in my TBR Pile awaiting my time. Shy and bookish Lily Greene has been corresponding with her favorite fantasy author, which turns into a friendship, until he ghosts her. Determined to find a date for her sister's wedding, she asks her new neighbor. Nick has always used a pen name for a reason, and he's fairly certain that Lily is the fan he's been emailing. Setting her up with someone else would be so much simpler if he could just get her out of his mind. 

The fact that I've wanted to read this book since it came out makes no sense based upon my earlier comments about enemies to lovers romances. Maybe it's the tropical setting. Maybe it has to do with the fact that there is a wedding. I'm really not sure. It seems like this would be as much fun as Nellie Oleson marrying Albert Ingalls if Little House on the Prairie were set in Maui during Willie Oleson's wedding to Rachel Brown. 

As I age, romances featuring more mature (at least chronologically) capture my attention. This one sounds like a blast. Evie Gallagher quickly regrets her hasty move into a care home, so she sets off on an adventure across Europe. Her son Brendan and his wife follow a trail of puzzling messages to bring her home, but it will become clear to them that Evie hasn't given up on life and love. I need to add this to my TBR Pile right now. 

Have you read any of these? Hope you had fun putting your list together. I look forward to seeing how you approached this week's freebie. 


  1. If The Unhoneymooners are half as interesting as your description, it'll be great. 😁

    Great list!

  2. I want to read The unhoneymooners and The Bodyguard.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  3. I hope you like them if or when you read them!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  4. I haven't read any of these either! Although, The Fake Out might land on my list here soon as I love hockey romances. :D

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. I haven't read any of these, but life begins at 75 sounds like an excellent book. great list.

  6. I've read several of these. I adore Meghan Quinn's books, so I might say that is my favorite on your list. There are so many good ones, though!

  7. You're too funny, Rebecca. Not even sure where that description came to me.

    Hope you get a chance to read them, Emily.

    Thanks, Lydia!

    Thanks, Cathy!

    Aymee, hope you get a chance to read it. I really didn't realize how many sports romances are out there.

    I agree, Idea-ist.

    Thanks for the recommendation, Deanna.

    Thanks for visiting, everyone.

  8. When I saw your topic I was sure I wouldn't have read any either. I did read The BodyGuard and liked most of it. The biggest turn-off to me was the excessive cursing and I didn't love the epilogue or the way a certain situation was handled. I have not read any of the others. Have a great week!

  9. Read the Katherine Center book as soon as you can! Enjoy!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday.

  10. I am loving your descriptions for the books, and laughing out loud at many of them! I'm adding The Bodyguard and The Neighbor Favor to my TBR too!

    Haze @ The Book Haze

  11. I enjoyed reading The Bodyguard, and Neighbor Favor is on my TBR. I hope you enjoy reading these if, and when, you can.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  12. I really like the sound of The Neighbour Favour - very intriguing! I have read The Love Hypothesis and adored it, hope you do too if you read it. Such a fun response to the prompt :)

    Caroline | https://envirolineblog.com/10-romance-books-on-my-tbr-list

  13. Fun list. I loved The Bodyguard! And I'm just about to start The Unhoneymooners. :D

  14. Cindy, excessive cursive does that for me too. Just a turn off.

    Thanks for the recommendation, Deb!

    Glad I made you chuckle, Haze!

    Pam, hope you get to read The Neighbor Favor soon.

    Caroline, thanks for the recommendation!

    Lark, I will need to check out your review. Enjoy The Unhoneymooners!

    Thanks for visiting, all.

  15. Great list! I loved The Unhoneymooners, The Love Hypothesis, and One Last Stop. But I have to admit, The Bodyguard sounds really good, especially since I'm a total sucker for the fake dating trope, and a book where the female MC is the bodyguard sounds like fun.


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