Thursday, February 15, 2024

Blurb Blitz & Giveaway: The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz


Move over Susan B. Anthony. There’s an unsung woman asking for the vote 224 years before you, and murderous rebels and bigoted gentlemen can’t prevent spinster Lady Margaret Brent from wielding her power to defend Maryland settlers from plunder and obliteration.

Lady Margaret Brent, compelled to right wrongs, risks her life by illegally educating English women, placing her family at risk. She fights to have a voice, yet her father and brothers exclude her from discussions. Worried the kings’ men may know of her illegal activities, she flees to the New World where she can enjoy religious tolerance and own land, believing she will be allowed a voice. Once in Maryland, she presents cases in provincial court where she’s hired as the first American woman attorney, but there she uncovers perilous actions, prompting her to build a fort to shield those within from being murdered. Can Margaret Brent’s integrity and ingenuity protect Maryland from being destroyed?


Their cousin Cecil, the second Lord Baltimore, addressed the men. “I’ve spoken of colonization before. You’ve listened politely, but your loyalties remain with your king and England. I understand, as do mine.” 

“Then you’ve no need to speak more of this.” Edward said. 

“But I do.” Cecil narrowed his eyes. 

Richard said, “You forgot something rather important, my friend.” 

Cecil hesitated. 

“You must consider the king’s act that restrains the popishly bred from going beyond the seas and the punishments for those who assist.” 

Giles looked up from the map. “Popish—the hell. King Charles can’t even bring himself to say Catholic.” 

“Silly. Everyone but those of us who are says ‘popish.’” Margaret now waited for her father to reprimand her, but he said nothing. 

“A serious point, my friend. Dangerous times, indeed,” said Cecil. “King Charles’s wrath increases and will come down on those who refuse to conform to the Church of England.” 

Fulke shut his eyes a moment before saying, “You’re a kind gentleman, sir. But if you pursue this, you will certainly lose everything you and your father have acquired. Even your mentioning this to us puts you in jeopardy.” 

“Every second of every day puts us all in jeopardy. Today and the weeks forward, your family may suffer destruction beyond your imagination.” He took several paces then stopped and studied each of the men. “Please, friends, decide to take my offer. It takes time and special negotiations to arrange a safe passage for you. Remember, a most disagreeable mood has overtaken England concerning passengers who refuse to take the oath of allegiance and acknowledge the king’s supremacy. We need to be clever so as not to be entrapped.” 

A tap on the door stopped the conversation. Mary glanced at her father, then rose, and opened it. 

Pursell stood waiting to be acknowledged. 

“Yes?” said Richard. 

“Sir, supper will be served within the hour, and also there’s a man at the back door. He’s asked to speak with you.” 

 “Cecil, good friend, will you join us in a late supper?” 

“It’s past time for me to be on my way to Ilmington. Please consider what we’ve discussed. I’ll send word where we may engage in a private meeting.” 

“Pursell,” Richard said, “have Dary see Lord Calvert’s carriage and horse are brought forth.” 

Lord Calvert strode to the table. He placed with great care what must have been his cherished map on top and slid the stack into a burgundy, embossed leather folio. Gathering his cape and hat and in good cheer, bowed his farewell. 

Her father squinted at his servant. “Tell me, what brings this fellow to our door at this hour?” 

“He says his name is John Coates, sir. It seems a young girl saw Lady Margaret talking with his son earlier this afternoon. His son has gone missing, and the sheriff has found a dead man.”

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Charlene Bell Dietz lives in the central mountains of New Mexico. She taught kindergarten through high school, served as a school administrator, and an adjunct instructor for the College of Santa Fe. After retirement she traveled the United States providing instruction for school staff and administrators. Her writing includes published articles, children’s stories, short stories, and mystery and historical novels.

Char Bell Dietz @CharBellDietz 

Charlene Bell Dietz will award a randomly chosen
winner a $25 Amazon/BN gift card


  1. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the excerpt.

  2. Marcy, I'm so pleased you like this excerpt. It sets the tone for the chaos that's about to happen. I'm sure life in the 1600s had to be difficult, and even more so if your religion happened to be outlawed. Yikes! Lots of citizens lost their lives.

  3. Traci, I'm a mega judge for a huge book contest. I read all genres and from March until August of each year I may have anywhere from sixty to eighty books to read. Identifying a favorite author is a huge challenge for me because there are so many great books out there. Some of my favorite books these last few years are A Gentleman in Moscow, The Shadow of the Wind, Lessons in Chemistry, The Book of Lost Friends, The Invisible Child, The School of Essential Ingredients, The Other Einstein, and I could go on and on. I enjoy Nelson DeMille, Alice Hoffman, Michael Connolly, Elizabeth George, and again, I could go on and on.

    Who are your favorite authors and what books do you enjoy reading?

  4. I really like the cover and the excerpt.

  5. Marcy and Sherry, I'm pleased you enjoyed the excerpt. Excerpts were difficult to select. I could have picked something from every chapter in the book because so much happened during that period of history.

    Yes, I adore the cover too. I'm fortunate to have such a wonderful publisher, Artemesia Publishing. Cover designs are quite the stumbling blocks for many authors and their publishers. I'm delighted with this one.
    Thanks for your comments.

  6. Thanks for having me on the tour. Appreciate all the comments. Wishing you the best, Charlene.


Thank you for your comments and loyal readership.