Wednesday, November 1, 2023

NaNoWriMo Project Announcement: Home for the Heart by Cheryl C. Malandrinos


NaNoWriMo starts today. This is the first time in years that I've even attempted it. I've never enjoyed the pressure; I write too slowly; it usually takes me years to finish a 50,000 word project due to my other commitments. So, why tackle it now? 

I've missed writing. Though I have a picture book under contract, I have only written one new story this year. 

All three children are now adults. One has lived on his own for 18 years. One of them is gone four days a week. The other one lives in North Carolina nine months out of the year. 

The last few years have brought a ton of transition and change into my life. We lost three close family members, the kids don't need me as much, and real estate has changed in so many ways since the pandemic that have made my schedule a bit more manageable despite being busier and producing more than I ever have. 

This year, I hit my mid-50s and decided that I want more enjoyment out of life. I want to cook and bake more. I want to walk more regularly. I want less stuff and more experiences, like weekend trips with my other half. 

So, I am giving NaNoWriMo a shot. If I don't win, I'll survive. It won't be the worst thing that happens. I am, however, much more prepared than in years past and writing in a genre I love.

Here is my project:

Title: Home for Heart

Genre: Seasonal romance

Blurb: Chloe Bennett inherits her childhood home and returns to Cedarville after her mother’s death. She has to work with her high school sweetheart, Blake Anderson, the town's real estate broker, despite not having seen him since college.

Blake never understood why Chloe ended their relationship. But life in Cedarville has been good to him. He manages Cedarville’s growing tourism business and the real estate brokerage passed down from Chloe’s late father.

When a fire breaks out at the Cedarville Inn, Chloe opens her historical home to the inn’s owners and their guests. Trying to manage a Boston waterfront hotel from afar, she also wrestles with memories of past Christmases. Then a major plumbing issue brings Blake back to the house.

As Chloe’s heart warms to Cedarville, old feelings between Blake and her resurface. With Christmas approaching, Chloe must choose between returning to her Boston career or making a home with Blake in Cedarville.

Because I am a visual person, I put together a Pinterest board for this project. You can find it here if you want to take a peek. I also have a Spotify playlist here.

Wishing everyone participating in NaNoWriMo or any other writing endeavor in November the best of luck and the greatest success!


Lark said...

Good luck with your project! I wish you writing success this month. :D

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Lark!

Susan said...

Good luck with NaNoWriMo! Your book sounds fun. I hope you get lots of enjoyment and fulfillment out of writing it and from the other endeavors you've undertaken.

Cheryl Malandrinos said...

Thanks, Susan. I appreciate it.