Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Jobs I Would Do For Free (Real or Imaginary)

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday! This week's topic comes from Susan at Bloggin' Bout Books. This is such a fabulous topic, but I should preface all my choices with I would do these for free if I were independently wealthy and it wouldn't impact our family's life in a negative way. Here are my...

Top Ten Bookish Jobs I Would Do for Free
(Real or Imaginary)

  1. New York Times book reviewer: Wouldn't it be neat to review books for a paper as large as the New York Times?
  2. Acquisitions editor for a large publishing house: Since I already have experience with this on a small scale, I would love to step up to doing this for one of the big ones. 
  3. Ghostwriter for a celebrity: I would totally do this if I admired the celebrity.
  4. Research assistant: One of the challenges with enjoying research and writing historical fiction is that you often spend so much time researching, you don't always get to writing. Have to admit I am good at research. 
  5. Book buyer: Imagine if your job was buying books for bookstores? I'm down for that.
  6. Literary agent: I would do this in a heartbeat. I've longed to be a literary agent for years.
  7. Publicist: What a neat job it must be to coordinate press coverage for writers. I could see how this would be exciting, yet stressful, if you worked with celebrities. 
  8. Editor: I already get paid for this type of work, but it is rewarding and I would do more if I had the time. 
  9. Librarian: Surround me with books, and I will be happy.
  10. Bookshop owner: Another surround me with books, and I'll be happy. 


  1. A great list of jobs. And some that I never even thought of!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  2. Ghostwriter for a celebrity is a great one! I would love to do that. Britney Spears would be first on my list. Well, maybe tied with Taylor Swift. But I really want to know what is going on behind the scenes with Spears and I don't know that I will believe anything 100% unless seen with my own eyes. lol

  3. Thanks, Deb and Emily. Enjoyed your lists as well.

    Deanna, those would be a cool ghostwriting projects.

    Thanks for visiting today.

  4. I agree with so many of these. #1 would be amazing. #5 as well. And oh a bookstore owner- tough to make a living but how awesome would it be? In a perfect world it would be a GREAT living and so rewarding ha ha! :)

  5. Fun list. If money didn't matter I'd love to be a book buyer/bookshop owner...or maybe have my very own private library that only certain people are allowed to visit. :D

  6. What we wouldn't do if money were no option, right Greg?

    Lark, I love the private library idea.

    Alicia, I think that on is on a lot of our lists this week.

    Thanks for visiting, everyone.

  7. Book buying sounds like a perfect job! Spending someone else's money on books? Sign me up!

    Happy TTT!

  8. I agree, Susan. Would love to do that. Thanks for visiting.

  9. I do hope you have a T-shirt that says: Surround me with books, and I'll be happy. --- I think it would be a big seller.

  10. Wouldn't that be a great shirt, Rebecca? Thanks for stopping by.


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